Browse Items (9 total)

  • Temporal Coverage is exactly "1942-08-23"

This log book covers the training, operational and post war flying career of Geoffrey Gosney from 2 July 1942 to 12 July 1951. It includes a cartoon of the 426 Squadron crest. Geoffrey flew 31 operations in two tours of duty, 23 of which were night…

#1 is a side head and shoulders portrait of Norrie annotated 'Sincere Regards to my Pal Doc 23/8/42'.
#2 is a silhouetted Lancaster captioned 'Aircraft LS-T No 15 Squadron Frankfurt 11/4/43'.
#3 is a Lancaster on the ground with the sun…

Instruction for carrying out plating.

Thanks her for letter and comments on how lucky she is to have his brother as husband. Mentions he would be leaving current location soon and has only a little night flying to finish. Writes he will be happy to get home as he has been away so long.…


Flying log book for F A Robinson covering the period from 8 September 1938 to 22 January 1951. Detailing his flying training and operations flown, includes flight certificates, congratulatory messages and notes of appreciation from senior officers, a…

Detailing his flying training and operations flown as navigator 16 January 1941 to 9 January 1946. He was stationed at RCAF Winnipeg (6 AOS), RCAF MacDonald (3 B&GS), RCAF Rivers (1 ANS), RAF Harwell (15 OTU), RAF Shallufa (38 and 40 Squadrons), …

She writes whilst she is on fire watching duty. She says that their daughter Frances went to tea on her own and that she has finished her diptheria immunisation. She writes that she and some friends went to tea and that she has been practising…

Number 15. Writes that her letters 1-9 have arrived. Lists in order of importance item he would like her to send. Thanks for and sends well wishes. Do not send books, time fully occupied. Started violin lessons and lists stationary he would like…

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