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  • Temporal Coverage is exactly "1942-08-13"

Jack Whalley’s Royal Air Force Observer’s and Air Gunner’s Flying Log Book from 9th July 1941 until 10th October 1952. Initial training at No. 9 Air Observers School as an air observer, navigator, air gunner and bomb aimer. Further training as…

A wall runs from bottom left to top right with buildings and palm trees to the left and above. To the right centre a fortification. On the reverse addressed to Mr and Mrs H E Hudson writing that he is delighted to have received cross parcel and about…

Letter and explanatory note. Congratulates him on exams and promotion. Comments on his posting to Brough East Yorkshire and was enjoying flying. Mentions journey and short visit home. Describes discipline, daily routine as well as his flying so far.

Reports arrival of fourteenth letter of week. Mentions letters did not arrive in sequence and lists dates sent. Describes stamps on some letters. Writes of confusion over cables he sent possibly caused by delays to some. Mentions books she is…

Reports arrival of sixteen letters and a postcard over last two weeks. Discusses picture on postcard. Still no news of friend missing in Malaya despite lists of Japanese prisoners published. Catches up with other correspondence and passes on news.…

List of 33 operations between 7 December 1941 and 16 November 1942. For each operation states target, crew, and some detailed comments.

This log book covers the training, operational and post war flying career of Geoffrey Gosney from 2 July 1942 to 12 July 1951. It includes a cartoon of the 426 Squadron crest. Geoffrey flew 31 operations in two tours of duty, 23 of which were night…

Tadeusz Jasinski’s Flying Log Book as a wireless operator from 9 May 1941 to 14 October 1945. Carried out training at No. 2 Signal School, 4 Air Observer School (air gunner training) and 18 OTU, Posted to 304 (Polish) squadron for operations in…
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