Browse Items (7 total)

  • Temporal Coverage is exactly "1942-02-06"

Informs her that permits could not be granted to private individuals for the dispatch of parcels to British prisoners of war in neutral countries. Encloses leaflet with details regarding dispatch of parcels.

Writes of cold weather and snow and trying to keep warm. Mentions his latest cable and catches up with news of family and friends. Mentioned he wrote he was not well and wondered if he had recovered. Philosophises on future. No progress with parcel…

Written on new years night and mentions father going out and that they are thinking of him. Awaiting next batch of letters from him and noted that 6 arrived on 15 December with the last dated 17 September. Wonders whether he has enough warm food and…

Writes answering question he asked in letter dated 24 August about fathers smoking habits. Comments on food, scarcity of grapes in England and cost of tomatoes. Catches up with other correspondence and passes on news of friends.

Reconnaissance photograph of harbour area. There are many ships, some of them identified as Anna Maria, Ariosto, Atlas, Bengasi, Beppe, Bosforo, Delia, and Pisani. Five ships have been enclosed by blue line. There is a breakwater along right side.…
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