Browse Items (52 total)

  • Temporal Coverage is exactly "1945-04-08"

William Jackson’s Flying Log Book 2 from 15th February 1943 until 26th November 1946. Posted to 23 Operational Training Unit, 15 Operational Training Unit (October 1943) and 1673 Heavy Conversion Unit (May 1944). Operational posting to 355 Squadron…

Pilots flying log book for W M Ballantyne, covering the period from 3 March 1942 to 18 July 1945. Detailing his flying training, Duties with 267 transport squadron, operations flown and instructor duties. He was stationed at SAAF Wonderboom, SAAF…

Two poor quality copies of target photographs of Trento and Vicenza. Neither have any discernible ground detail and only glare and tracer trails can be seen. The upper image is captioned:
2829 104/90. 8/9.APR.45. F8". NT. //9.500 → [redacted]…

Observer’s air gunner’s and w/t operators flying log book for V T Hilton, wireless operator, covering the period from 19 July 1943 to 16 April 1945. He was stationed at RAAF Parkes, RAAF Port Pririe, RAF Dumfries, RAF Lossiemouth, RAF Rufforth…

Vertical aerial target photograph of Trento. Some ground details, mainly roads, are visible as is open countryside. In the upper part are several light trails from ordnance. It is captioned:
2829 104/90. 8/9-APR-45. F8". NT.//9,500'.→[redacted]…

Details of operation to Trento choke points. Lists crew and provides some details of sortie. Bombs landed on TIs. Could not get landing gear down on normal system on return, lowered mechanically. Two versions of the same document.

Pilot's flying log book for Roy Hastie. It covers his RAF service from 9 December 1940 to 31 March 1946 and then his RAF Auxilliary Service flying to 23 May 1952. Detailing his flying training and operations flown firstly with Coastal Command and…

Flying log book for Peter Lovatt covering the period from 12 April 1944 to 20 June 1945. Detailing his flying training and operations flown. He was stationed at RAF Burnaston (16 EFTS), RAF Barrow/Walney Island (10 AGS), RAF Oulton (223 Squadron).…

A 6 page collection of target photographs and sortie reports.

Page 1: Sortie report for an operation to Bruck Marshalling yards

Page 2:Vertical aerial target photograph of an unknown location showing some ground detail as tracer trails. Not all…

N I Powell’s Flight Engineer’s Flying Log Book covering the period from 9 August 1944 to 25 April 1945. Detailing his flying training and operations flown as flight engineer. He was stationed at RAF St Athan (4 School of Technical Training, RAF…

Target photograph of Molbis. Mainly obscured by light streaks, balls of light and bomb explosions. Visible area mainly rural, no detail clearly visible. Captioned '6V', '5B', '5069. SKELL.7/8.4.45//NT(C)7" 16200' 080° 2302 MOLBIS.D.…

M A Niman’s RAF Observer’s and Air Gunner’s Flying Log Book, from 6th August 1941 to 2nd May 1945, detailing operations and instructional duties in the UK, Middle East and East Africa as a Wireless Operator/Air Gunner and “Special…

Catches up with mail and family news and says that life is monotonous. His new skipper is on a course but would be back soon. Reports arrival of cake and hamper and says not to send anymore and discusses mail. More family and friends news and notes…

Leonard William Fairbanks' log book covering two tours from 3 January 1941 to 15 April 1945, detailing his training schedule and operations flown. Training was undertaken at Air Gunnery School at RAF Stormy Down, 25 OTU RAF Finningley, 25 OTU RAF…

Royal Australian Air Force flying log book for Laurence Larmer covering the period from 7 April 1943 to 3 August 1945. Detailing flying training and operations flown. He was stationed at RAAF Benalla, RCAF Dauphin, RAF Fair Oaks, RAF Banff, RAF…

Navigators, air bombers, air gunners and flight engineers flying log book for Sergeant John Casey from 26 February 1944 to 8 October 1945. Detailing training schedule and operations flown. Served at 7 Air Gunnery School followed by training at 29…

Pilots flying log book three for H O Forth, covering the period from 2 January 1943 to 16 March 1946 and from 3 January 1950 to 20 May 1953. Detailing his flying training, instructor duties, operations flown, and post war flying with 77 Squadron. He…

Harry joined the Royal Australian Air Force on 25 June 1942 as a wireless operator/air gunner and received his initial training in Australia before going to Canada for his trade training.

He sailed on the SS Johan Van Barneve to San Francisco and…
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