Browse Items (75 total)

  • Temporal Coverage is exactly "1945-01-16"

Reports arrival of mail, catches up with news of home and asks after relatives. Reports arrival of parcels from home, that he would be on the move soon and was hoping for improved conditions which would alleviate need for food parcels. Discusses his…

Vertical aerial photographs showing on the left an industrial area with roads and buildings and on the right the same area with most of the structures destroyed. Explanatory text underneath 'Zeitz. The left hand photograph shows this synthetic oil…

Lists twenty-one crews lost in action giving names of crew, aircraft number, target and cemetery or memorial, Dates between 14 October 1944 and 22 April 1945.

Gives particulars for meritorious service. Completed 27 successful sorties, skilful flight engineer, disregard for personal safety, cheerful courage and offensive spirit. Includes details of 27 operations carried out.

Introduces Michael G Hanson an RAF reservist and tells of time sailing before stating training. Covers elementary and advanced training before joining 233 Squadron at RAF Leuchars on Hudson. Relates life on the station, in local area and on maritime…

Observer’s and air gunner’s flying log book for J D Harris, navigator, covering the period from 22 April 1942 to 26 November 1945. Detailing his flying training, operations flown and instructor duties. He was stationed at RCAF Ancienne Lorette,…

Frank Fertich’s Flying Log book as air gunner covering the period from 24 January 1944 to 17 April 1945. Detailing his flying training and operations flown as air gunner. He was stationed at RCAF Mont Joli (9 B&GS), RAF Wellesbourne Mountford (22…

Flying log book for D Moore, navigator, covering the period from 5 June 1943 to 13 June 1947. Detailing his flying training, operations flown, instructor duties and post war flying with 52 Squadron and civilian flying with Silver City Airlines. He…

List of 29 operations as navigator on Lancaster of 467 Squadron between 10 September 1044 and 16 January 1945. Includes comments on each sortie with bomb load, flight times, fighters seen, weather, anti-aircraft fire, aircraft shot down.

Describes operations by Bomber Command and USAAF aircraft to Hamburg from 24 to 28 July 1943. Mentions it was the first firestorm and the use of Window. Writes that the next firestorm was Darmstadt on September 11 1944. Mentions subsequent firestorms…

Royal Australian Air Force observer’s air gunner’s and W/T operator’s flying log book for H G Adams, navigator, covering the period from 11 May 1943 to 23 August 1945. Detailing his flying training, operations flown and instructor duties. He…

E W Harrison’s RAF Flying Log Book for Navigators, Air Bombers, Air Gunners and Flight Engineers, from 2nd October 1944 to 12th January 1950, detailing training and operations (1944-45), and instructional duties (1948-50), as a flight engineer. He…

Observer’s and air gunner’s flying log book for F Mottershead, wireless operator, covering the period from 29 April 1943 to 9 April 1945. Detailing his flying training and operations flown. He was stationed at RCAF Calgary, RCAF Mossbank, RCAF…

Robert Mitchell’s Flying Log Book, from 19th July 1943 to 7th January 1954, recording training, operations and other post-war duties as a Pilot. No flights are recorded in the years 1947-1950. Based at RAF Long Marston (No. 24 OTU), RAF Topcliffe…

Flying log book for Bill Chubb, flight engineer covering the period from 12 September 1944 to 2 May 1945. Detailing his flying and operations flown. He was stationed at RAF St Athan, RAF Topcliffe (1659 HCU) and RAF East Moor (432 Sqn). Aircraft…

Flying log book for Peter Lovatt covering the period from 12 April 1944 to 20 June 1945. Detailing his flying training and operations flown. He was stationed at RAF Burnaston (16 EFTS), RAF Barrow/Walney Island (10 AGS), RAF Oulton (223 Squadron).…

Four newspaper cuttings about operations to Essen, Homburg, Magdeburg and Bochum undertaken by Rex Searle.

Flying log book for R O J Searle, Flight Engineer, covering the period from 25 June 1944 to13 July 1945 and from 17 August 1951 to 14 September 1964. Detailing his training as a flight engineer and a full tour of operations flown with Bomber Command…
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