Browse Items (85 total)

  • Temporal Coverage is exactly "1944-08"

He thanks he for his birthday card. He describes his return trip to camp. The next day he had exams which he thinks he passed. They have had no luck getting a new wireless operator. They had a home guard training attack on the base. They had a couple…

He writes about his journey back to base. His crew has a new wireless operator. He explains the complications about his next leave.

He discusses what flying he has to do to complete his course. He is pleased with his new wireless operator who is also a pianist.

Confirms previous telegram that Flight Sergeant F J Hobbs now believed to have lost his life as a result of air operations on night 15/16 March 1944. Information received that Lancaster crashed at Blerancourt, France and all seven crew were…

Starts with thanks for letter number 3 but complains about lack of letters for a couple of days particularly as he had been on operations. Sets up times for future phone calls. Noted that the crew’s original aircraft had been lost while being flown…

Starts with complaint that phone calls from wife are replacing letters which he does not like, but did enjoy hearing his wife’s voice. Letter is then a long explanation of why he cannot answer her last letter as it is in his locker at the squadron…

Letter regrets that Flight Sergeant F J Hobbs must be posted as missing believed killed. News that her husband and all his crew were killed was sent to the Air Ministry.

The first letter attaches the second letter and explanation. He asks if she and her baby are finding her new location satisfactory.
The second letter expresses sadness at the loss of Frank.

The Americans are said to have advanced 250 kilometres in 13 days, reaching the Loire near Nantes and cutting off Brittany. 13,300 German prisoners have been captured and 75,000 German troops cut off. Seven ships were destroyed by the allies. A…

A man inside left wing that has been damaged, the man is sticking out of the damaged wing with head and arm showing with no cap.

Six servicemen wearing variety of uniform standing and six members of the Women's Auxiliary Air Force sitting in front. Left front has a dog. In the background right, part of a hut. On the reverse 'MT Section, Sandtoft Aug 1944'.

Five cuttings from newspapers. Item 1 refers to an attack on Northern France on 31 August 1944 (annotation). Item 2 is a comment from Sir Arthur Harris praising the accurate bombing of the German garrison at Le Havre, September 1944. Item 3 is a…

Includes biographic details, service history and account of last operation for which he was awarded the Victoria Cross. Completed 111 operations on three squadrons, took part in Cologne 1000 bomber operation. Awarded Distinguished Flying Cross twice.…

Under the cover of darkness, partisans sabotage German boats with Kriegsmarine flags on both masts. One figure is holding a rifle and a built-up area is visible in the background.

Label reads “131”; signed by the author; caption reads…

Top left - a large group of airmen wearing khaki uniform sitting and standing in four rows in front of a Wellington. At front middle a sign '37 Sqdn, B Flight'.
Top right - two airmen wearing khaki shirt and shorts sitting on a wall. The man on the…

Peter's RAF service with 57 Squadron is detailed. This was his second tour and he lists his new crew:
Flt Lt J B P 'Tuesday' Spencer, 20 years, Pilot from Greenside, Co Durham
Sgt W D E West, 21 years, Mid Upper Gunner, from Barking, Essex
Sgt H…

Nell writes to Mrs Wareing telling her that Wilf will call on her any time if needed.

Made out for Charles Robert Cuthill. Gives years of service in RAF and brief history of service. Includes specialist symbols - flying instructor and lists decorations.

A notebook to be used for recording wartime activities. It contains an account of Reg's bale out, capture and time in Dulag Luft, Stalag 4B and Offlag 7B.Reg records his operational experiences the day he baled out. His captors were friendly but the…

Six airmen sitting underneath a railway bridge, captioned '[Holm]e-on-Spalding Moor Station August 1944'.

This item was sent to the IBCC Digital Archive already in digital form. No better quality copies are available.

Three similar images of airmen peeling potatoes, annotated 'At aircrew pool Scampton Aug '44'.

A list of 35 operations undertaken by Terry Ford. It includes dates and aircraft used.

A temporary pass issued to Ted Neale. It gives him permission for one week's leave between 23rd and 30th August 1944 from RAF Tortorella


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