Browse Items (86 total)

  • Temporal Coverage is exactly "1944-02-15"

Wright BC.pdf
Navigator’s air bomber’s and air gunner’s flying log book for B C Wright, flight engineer, covering the period from 11 July 1943 to 29 May 1946. Detailing his flying training, operations flown and instructor duties. He was stationed at RAF St…

John Mitchell’s wireless operator’s flying log book covering the period from 12 October 1941 to 9 August 1948. Detailing his flying training and operations flown as wireless operator. He was stationed at RAF Kinloss (19 OTU), RAF Forres (19 OTU),…

Observer’s and air gunner’s flying log book for J D Harris, navigator, covering the period from 22 April 1942 to 26 November 1945. Detailing his flying training, operations flown and instructor duties. He was stationed at RCAF Ancienne Lorette,…

Reports arrival of mail and says he had written to Air Ministry asking them to open an account in her name and mentions other financial matters. Catches up with news of friends and acquaintances. Mentions going to church and asks her not to send him…

Air Gunner’s flying log book for Stanley Bradford covering the period from 8 May 1943 to 8 August 1944. Detailing his flying training and operations flown. He was stationed at RAF Stormy Down (7 AGS), RAF Cottesmore (14 OTU), RAF Swinderby (1660…

Cites the number of operations flown including 13 to Berlin. While on two operations to Berlin he engaged an enemy aircraft with accurate fire and damaged enemy aircraft probably destroyed.

Log book covering the period of service on 78 Squadron at RAF Breighton from September 1943 to June 1944 flying Halifaxes. A total of 31 night time operations were flown. Targets were Hannover, Bochum, Kassel, Dusseldorf, Mannheim, Leipzig,…

Text for a lecture. Joined RAF as air observer in June 1941. List initial training postings, conversion to Halifax, crewing up and posting to 102 Squadron at RAF Pocklington in May 1943. Describes preparation for operations and lists 6 operations…

The letter advises that Maurice is now considered killed in combat.

The letter asks if his mother has entered his news in the Observer.
In a second copy a caption 'This was the last letter Maurice wrote to his mother and was received the day after Maurice's death. RIP'.

Seven items, Edward's description of the operation, his navigation plot, a map of Berlin. Press clippings captioned 'Vast areas of Berlin are like this' shows an area of about 280 acres showing the large amount of bomb damage. There is another press…

Lists crew and then provides description of operations to Berlin (first operation), Leipzig and Schweinfurt between the 15 and 25 February 1944. Describes events, bomb load and distances.

This item was sent to the IBCC Digital Archive already in…

Pilot’s flying log book for Maurice Cecil Stimpson, covering the period from 1 August 1943 to 15 February 1944, when he failed to return from operations. Detailing his operation flown. He was stationed at RAF Warboys. Aircraft flown in were Oxford…

R A Creamer’s Air Gunner’s Flying Log Book covering the period 6 May 1943 to 21 June 1946. Detailing his flying training and operations flown as air gunner. Hand written in pencil on cover ‘‘My adventures by Creamer R.A.”. He was stationed…
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