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  • Temporal Coverage is exactly "1943-08-18"

From G S Skipper writing that he was sorry to hear that Hedley had not returned from a operation to Germany. Passes on some laudatory comments on Hedley when he worked for him.

From George Harker & Co Ltd with deepest regret on hearing news that Hedley is missing. All members of staff send sympathy. Hedley was one of the most popular and promising member of staff.

From officer detail to look after Hedley's property explaining the process and that a cheque book found has been forwarded to Air Ministry accounts, Worcester.

From J Stott expressing great sorrow over news that Hedley is missing.

Article on loss of Flying Officer Francis Dunsford Norton lost his life on 18 August 1943. Buried at Griegswald [sic] Weick.

Article on attack on new and vital target - Germany's largest and most important research and development establishment - Peenemunde. Mosquitos attacked Berlin and Fighter Command intruders carried out attacks on airfields. Heaviest Bomber Command…

Newspaper account of Peenemunde operation. Notes attack on secret research and development establishment. Followed United States Fortress attack on Regensburg and Schweinfurt. Desribes all attacks.

Expresses sympathy in anxious time. Writes she was brave to attend meeting.

From Elsie Richardson offering sympathy over report of Hedley missing and hopes they may hear good news soon. Writes that they would not know her but several years ago he was kind to her husband who often spoke of young Hedley. She continues with…

Writes he read news in Telegraph and offers sympathy. Notes that there had been similar examples of such news at the office but then they had good news. Relates other news and hopes for the best.

Writes that a reply to her letter to Adastral House noted that a PO Lewis was in the crew and as a result she fears for safety of the rest of the crew and that they must have come down in the sea. Hopes that some of them might have been picked up.

Thanks them for photograph. The only news she has is that her son was officially presumed killed and that the bodies of P.O Bradley and Norton had been found and were buried 16 miles from the place they bombed. She writes that she has still not…

Writes asking if they have had any further information. Writes that a friend whose son was posted missing on the same operation had been notified as prisoner. Notes change of address as 'I was unfortunate to have a direct hit with a flying bomb on my…

Reports she has had no further news. She is frustrated as many others have had news their relatives are safe. Continues with news of her family. Encloses part of letter from a girl friend of her son and that a gentleman had given her an address to…

Thanks them for letter and explains how she found their name and wrote on the off chance. Commiserates over Hedley's 21st birthday. Thanks them for passing on her sons name to Red Cross. She lost her own husband recently and has little time to do…

From mother of the mid upper gunner on Hedley's aircraft offering sympathy over anxiety for news that they are both suffering. Notes she had met Hedley on a few occasions at Kings Cross and how crew cheered when he arrived as Pilot Officer. Hopes…

From Dorothy Richings writing she is sad over lack of news. Encourages them to not give up hope.

Writes that her son who is in RAF Red Cross Hospital in Northallerton is still seriously ill and unlikely to recover. Hopes that she will hear good news of Hedley soon.

From Borothy Mitchell. Offers sympathy on hearing news of Hedley missing.

"Nazi backroom boys killed, Pennemunde raid wiped out air experts HQ". Account of Peenmeunde operation and background to research carried out there. Surrounded by other articles and further articles on the reverse.

Just hear news that Hedley is missing. Sympathy over anxiety. Notes Hedley had just been awarded DFM.

George was born at Whitstable and was 17 when war was declared. He joined the local Defence Volunteers, which became the Home Guard. When he reached 18 he volunteered for air crew. He was interviewed at Chatham and sat an exam and selection board to…

12 postcards written by Alan Green whilst a prisoner of war. He thanks his parents for their mail, news of Basil, requests cigarettes, photographs, socks and a toothbrush, receipt of parcels and a list of clothing.

Reports Pilot Officer H Madgett DFM missing after operations 17/18 August 1943.

Thnks her for recent letter. Regrets that the Madgetts are going through the same thing a she has just done but hopes it will have a happy ending. Relates her experience with her son reported missing while others in his crew were reported killed. She…
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