Browse Items (77 total)

  • Temporal Coverage is exactly "1943-07"

The letter praises Fred for his treasured visit to their house. He complains, gently, about the lack of letters from Fred, contrary to what he had promised.

He writes he has moved 2700 miles by train. They stopped at Montreal for 10 hours. Food and accommodation was very good. They were met at Winnipeg by a reception committee. His journey finished at Lethbridge.

Propaganda leaflet imitating cover of Life magazine aimed at American population opposing the use of bombing campaigns, using excerpts from articles from English language newspapers.

Daily entries for activities in 1943. Covers, films seen, weather, training and exams, leaves, training at Bridgnorth, medical issues, war news. Posted to RAF Millom, mentions activities, leave, aircrew flying training, navigation training routes,…

A menu for a ceremonial dinner for "J" Flight No 1 Squadron 48 Air School. On the reverse it is signed by some of the participants, including their nicknames.


Made out for Pilot Officer William Roy Peter Perry. Narrative mentions completed 20 operations, showing outstanding skill and determination. Skilful airmanship enabled gunner to shoot down enemy fighter. Twice had to recover aircraft on three engine…

The roll out of Lancaster KB700 with Reg Lane in the cockpit. A Canadian flag is draped over the 'Ruhr Express' nose art.

An airman sitting in the cockpit of a Lancaster. draped on the fuselage is a Canadian flag.
Information supplied with the collection states 'Reg Lane in KB700 Rollout July 1943 (via HH)'.

A photograph of Ron and Violet on their wedding day. It is captioned 'Ron and Violet Warren, after their wedding in London, July 1943., at which I was best man'.

Ron and Violet with best man, two bridesmaids and a third man, in a suit. There is also a chocolate and sweet ration card for No 2 Sergeants' Mess, RAF Cosford.

Floral wreath in the form of wings and having ribbons with Royal Air Force printed. Part of the funeral for the 14 airmen lost over Switzerland.

Charlie, in uniform, standing in a garden with a dog. It is captioned July 1943.

Joined in 1942 and then details training and tour on 115 Squadron, gunnery course, tours as gunnery instructor. Further tour with 625 Squadron, crashed twice before another instructors tour. Mentions 14 ops on first tour and 20 on second. Comments on…

Two swans and five signets on the lake, Blickling Hall in the background, reverse captioned 'Swans at Blickling Lake, July 1943'.


Photograph 1 is a Swiss anti-aircraft gun manned by seven soldiers. It is annotated '75mm AA gun 3 batteries on Jura mountains fired 400 times night 12/13.7.43'
Photograph 2 is 14 airmen's coffins annotated 'ED412 'O' rear row ED 531 'T' front. I…

Joined Royal Air Force in 1936 as a Halton apprentice armourer. Promoted to flight sergeant at the beginning of the war he began a long association with 57 Squadron then flying Blenheims as part of British Expeditionary Force in France followed by…

Top left first page - three-quarter length portrait of an airman wearing tunic and side cap. Text notes that he joined Royal Air Force in 1936 as a Halton apprentice armourer. Promoted to flight sergeant at the beginning of the war he began a long…

Memoir including photographs of the crew and aircraft. Thomas Jones was a flight engineer on Stirling and Lancaster and completed 64 operations on two tours. Describes early life, joining the RAF, selection and training., crewing up and first posting…

Includes: editorial matters; reading in camp; official reports from the camps (two pages missing); the letters they write home; fun and games, our generous helpers (fund raising at home); group photographs from the camps; news from the far east;…

Three photographs first of man sitting in a chair, second another reclining on the grass, third is a pilot laying on the grass, trees parkland and lake in background.

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Concerning the sale of "Redwood", Oaken Grange Drive, requesting she sign the enclosed contract.

Page captioned, 'Tocra N/Africa 1943, "The first time I ever saw her face" W.V.S. photo of Jean'. Three photographs and print of squadron badge.
First photograph, Jack and 'Ginger' MacGan sitting reading newspapers, tent in background, Captioned…

Article 1. Headlines: Mussolini resigns, King of Italy in command of armed forces, Badoglio as prime minister, two proclamations to the nation, the war continues. Article 2. Account of annual meeting of the London Angus Association.

Five photographs from an album.
Photo 1 is Victor standing in uniform beside a haystack, captioned 'Vic'.
Photo 2 is a woman standing beside a haystack, the caption has been deleted.
Photo 3 is a woman standing in a park, captioned 'September…

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