Browse Items (28 total)

  • Temporal Coverage is exactly "1940-07"

Postagram from Charles Portal to Sergeant Spencer Lewis Belton RAF Hemswell congratulating on Distinguished Flying Medal.

Letter from David Boldy to his mother and brother. Discussed new cleaning task that he has been completing around; mentions two restaurants he visited and a date he failed to attend; showed interest in joining the aircrew and speaks about the…

Letter from David Boldy to his mother and brother. States his opinion on the latest Churchill’s speech; writes about his evening out with his friends and going to see a Bing Crosby film. He also writes doing Morse code and maths and about having no…

A letter and envelope from Harry Redgrave to Jessie. Harry writes about life in the RAF whilst based in Dumfries. He writes that they are all bored, the weather is awful and tells about an eventful trip to the cinema.

A letter and envelope from Harry Redgrave to Jessie. Harry writes about life in the RAF in Dumfries, thanks her for her parcel and warns her that they are about to be posted elsewhere imminently.

A letter from Harry Redgrave in RAF Upwood to his wife Jessie. He writes about how good life is now that he is a Sergeant with extra pay and better food. He has been training in a Bristol Blenheim.

A letter from Harry Redgrave to his wife Jessie. Harry writes about arranging for her to move nearer to him, and life at RAF Upwood.

Two-page handwritten letter and envelope from Jessie Redgrave’s mother. She writes that she is sorry that Harry has moved to another station and that she hopes he gets leave soon. She also writes about family visits.

Six passes allowing John to leave his unit overnight.

Brief Resumé of Initial Flying Training and operational experiences on 106 Squadron, led by Wing Commander Bob Allen DSO with sorties against the Scharnhorst and Gneisenau Battleships in the Port of Brest.

Second version of a brief Resumé of Initial Flying Training and operational experiences on 106 Squadron, led by Wing Commander Bob Allen DSO with sorties against the Scharnhorst and Gneisenau Battleships in the Port of Brest. Slight amendment to…

Letter from Sergeant Spencer Lewis Belton to his father. Discusses the news of Distinguished Flying Medal and a broadcast on the British Broadcasting Corporation about its award.

Letter from Sergeant Spencer Lewis Belton to his father. Refers to air raids in Wales, weather, leave, crops, visit to cinema, a death in the cinema and finally a comment about a piece of shrapnel that bruised his ribs, reported in Monday’s…

The memorandum outlines procedures for tracing personnel resulted missing as consequence of active operations. Describes the role of the International Red Cross Committee in Geneva, St. John’s Ambulance and the Casualty branch of Record office.…

Letter congratulating Sergeant Spencer Lewis Belton on the award of his Distinguished Flying Medal.

Details of operations on oil tanks at Rotterdam and on Wilhelmshaven.

Personnel march between two rows of wooden huts. All men are wearing side caps, carry gas masks and training materials. Captioned 'Wireless Training School, Yatesbury. July, 1940'

A letter to Malcolm from his Grandparents. A lot of domestic news but also congratulates Malcolm on his promotion.

Top - eight members of Women's Auxiliary Air Force and seven Royal Air Force officers in two rows. Seven sitting in front and eight standing behind. All are wearing tunics and peaked hats. Joyce Donaldson is third from the right back row. There is…

On 27th July 1944, Moscow has made several announcements about railway hubs and places being captured in East Prussia: the Vistula has been crossed by the Red Army; Brest-Litovsk encircled and the German Northern army group cut off. On 26th July a…

Two sergeant pilots smiling facing camera.

This item was sent to the IBCC Digital Archive already in digital form. No better quality copies are available.

Describes procedures including compiling lists, contacting the International Red Cross. Mentions work of Red Cross and St John organisations as well as service department. Continues with role of casualty branches of services and notification of next…

Stars in June 1940 based on letters written to his mother. Tells of life in Rhodesia before being called up and travelling to England, Discusses war as well as work and social life and initial training in Rhodesia. Goes on to describe a little of…

Two men standing by a car. One is adjusting the others tie or collar. On the reverse is 'Ptes E. M. Shannon S. W Anderson July 1940'.

Two photographs of King George inspection RAF airmen at Bicester. Arnold is second behind the King.
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