Browse Items (82 total)

  • Temporal Coverage starts with "1946-07"

Top right - newspaper cutting titled 'Gen Spaatz welcomes RAF' with three photographs. Top left photograph of General Spaatz at microphone welcoming RAF to Andrews Field. Also in background Lord Inverchapel, British Ambassador, Col Curtis D Sluman…

Top left - newspaper article 'Americans don't know us say s"goodwill gunner".' Noted that Warrant Officer Arthur Pearce has just returned from goodwill tour of the United States with a view that Americans know nothing about Britain and have no idea…

Left top - photograph of B-29, Lancaster and Avro York lined up parked on airfield. Spectators are walking in front.
Middle left - air-to-air view showing formation of Lancasters over open countryside.
Third row left - photograph of group of men…

Newspaper cutting with three air-to-air view photographs of Lancasters.

Article states that 16 Lancasters of 35 Pathfinder Squadron will arrive 27 July 1946 on three day visit to Denver area. They arrived in the United States at Mitchel Field New…

Certified that Flight Sergeant Powell was tested and proficient in handling club Dinghy at Moascar other ranks sailing club.

The bridge of HMS Atheling, a former aircraft carrier used as a troop carrier. On the reverse 'HMS Atheling Ceylon to Singapore July 1946. "The Bridge". '

The wooden flight deck of an aircraft carrier. On the reverse 'HMS Atheling Ceylon to Singapore July 1946 "The Flight Deck" '.

Born in York in 1922, Joseph left school at 14 and started work in a chocolate factory and attended two nights of further education per week. In 1936, a fighter aircraft had landed nearby which stimulated his interest in flying which he retained all…

Pass for Mrs Banks to deal with Navy, Army and Air Force Institute grocery bar at RAF Feltwell.

A record of Jose being released from service and proceeding to PDC (Personnel Despatch Centre) Wythall.

A list of equipment issued previously to Malcolm Staves and returned on his promotion to Flying Officer.

Photograph 1 is 12 Lancasters in formation. It is captioned 'The Squadron en-route from Graveley to St Mawgan. 8th July 1947'.
Photograph 2 is five airmen standing at the rear door of their Lancaster. It is captioned '(we pose in front of aircraft…

A card issued to Jose allowing her to buy rations.

Letter concerning payment of war gratuity for the late Pilot Officer I A Wynn.

Writes about how things are going with the VIP Association in 1946. Additional information about this item was kindly provided by the donor.

Letter to Air Ministry from Officer Commanding 35 Squadron, informing them that Frank and two other officers had accepted their extended service commissions.

The letter advises that his logbook cannot be sent to her but if his widow agrees then it can be forwarded.

Letter date 21 July from 'Don'. Reply to letters sent two years after Don left the squadron. Notes that he is in touch with some other squadron members and recounts what happened to him after he left the squadron. He went originally to 1669 Heavy…

From Air Ministry confirming war gratuity is payable and encloses form of application for payment. Matters of wills and probate need to be considered. Includes leaflet on advice to relatives of a man who is missing.

From Mr and Mrs J Girdwood thanking them for the cutting they sent. Confirms their sons grave in in Venlo Holland along with all his crew. Sorry that Madgetts have no news of Hedley's grave. Writes that their daughter a nursing sister had died after…

Inviting him to an investiture for award of his son's DFM.

A letter to Homer asking him to return to work

Notes that they will forward his flying log book.

Informs her that a war gratuity was payable in respect of Ian Wynn's service.

The letter advises Thomas Thomson that he cannot purchase his discharge.
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