Browse Items (274 total)

  • Temporal Coverage starts with "1943-03"

Top left - blurred image of three actors on stage. Captioned 'E12 "Girls, girls, girls", Stalag Luft 3, Mar 43'.
Top right - Blurred image of two actors on stage. Captioned ' "Girls, girls, girls", Stalag Luft 3, Mar 43'.
Second row left - two…

Top left - seven actors on stage four in rear and three kneeling in front. Six are wearing conical hats and a man in the centre front row a dinner jacket. Captioned 'D31 NCO's Panto "Aladdin", Stalag Luft 3 Jan'.
Top right - number of actors…

Top row left - blurred image of two actors on stage with window in the background. Captioned 'E33 "For the love of Mike", Stalag Luft 3, Mar 43'.
Top row right - blurred image of one actor standing over another who is sitting in an armchair. In the…

Top left - actor dressed as woman standing on stage. Captioned 'E10 "Girls, girls, girls", Stalag Luft 3, Mar 43'.
Top right - line of actors mostly dressed from as women with short skirts in line on stage. Captioned ' "Girls, girls, girls", Stalag…

The photograph shows Group Captain Sheen painting the DSO after the aircraft completed 125 operations. Captioned 'Old Mike Squared - believed to have done more ops than any other aircraft in Bomber Command with 139 operational flights to its credit. …

11 trainee airmen arranged in two rows in front of a wooden hut. On the front it is captioned with the names of the men and on the reverse their names are handwritten. There is also a stamp with 'RAF Evanton Crown Copyright Reserved'.

Ten trainee airmen arranged in two rows in front of a wooden hut. On the reverse are their names and a stamp 'RAF Evanton Crown Copyright Reserved'.

Ten trainee airmen arranged in two rows in front of a wooden hut. Their names are captioned on the front and handwritten on the reverse. Also stamped on the reverse is 'RAF Evanton Crown Copyright Reserved'.

Ten trainee airmen arranged in two rows in front of a wooden hut. On the front it is captioned with the names of the men and on the reverse their names are handwritten. There is also a stamp with 'RAF Evanton Crown Copyright Reserved'.

Ten trainee airmen arranged in two rows in front of a wooden hut. Underneath are their names. On the reverse their names are repeated and there is a stamp 'RAF Evanton Crown Copyright Reserved'.

A group of 11 airmen, including nine pilots, positioned in front of an Oxford aircraft.
It is annotated '1524 Bat. Flight Newton March 1943.'

A group of air cadets marching along a street, led by drummers. On the reverse '2069 Sqn 119 March 1943 Wings for Victory Parade 1943'.
A second lower quality image is included. On the reverse '2069 Sqdn Spondon A Flight band leading Wings for…


A squadron photograph of many airmen arranged in six rows at the front of a Lancaster with an seventh row on top of the wing. On the reverse '460 Sqn. RAAF March 1943 Aircraft 'R Robert' Lost on Skoda Raid April 17th 1943 24 Operations'.
Two further…

Observer’s and air gunner’s flying log book for A E Travell, air gunner, covering the period from 4 September 1942 to 28 May 1945. Detailing his flying training, operations flown and instructor duties. He was stationed at RAF Dalcross, RAF…

A large group of airmen wearing battledress and helmets. One row sitting on the ground with rifles with a dog in the centre, another row sitting and two more standing, some with shouldered rifles. In the background a wooden hut. On the reverse…

33 airmen and one Naval Officer standing in front of Lancaster with Nickey Mouse / Admiral Prune II nose art and 11 bomb symbols. Guy Gibson is eigth from the left on the front row.
On the reverse ‘March 1943 ED593 Admiral Prune
Left to…

He disembarked in the United States and travelled to Canada by train via New York. It was comfortable with excellent food.

Top left an aerial inclined photograph of open countryside. A road runs up the left hand side and below to the right are fields. There are many unidentified small black objects over the whole area. Caption 'What is it'.

Top right caption 'V =…

Describes events during a mine laying operation in a Stirling to the Gironde River near Bordeaux. Relates how the aircraft was hit by anti-aircraft fire which damaged the tail and an engine as well as wounding the flight engineer. Describes the…

Several Ansons parked on a snowy airfield, in front of a hangar. On the reverse 'Mar 13 1943'.

Contains personal information, address and telephone numbers of acquaintances. Entries for registered for RAF 9 Jan 43, fireguard duty days, swimming, medical appointment, passed selection board for Air Gunner 26 MaR 43,Holiday dates, call up papers…

Top - view of swimming pool with bathers in water. Pool surrounded by buildings. Captioned 'Hot springs baths, Banff, Alta'.
Left - two airmen wearing flying jackets standing in woods. Captioned 'Doug and Dickie, Woolfox Lodge 43'.
Right - and…
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