Browse Items (184 total)

  • Temporal Coverage starts with "1943-01"

He is worried about his son David’s illness. He also writes about the weather, that he is fed up and that he went to the cinema in Lincoln to watch Bambi.

Number 41. Lists books that have arrived and ask her to thank donors. Planning to start agriculture course. He is continuing with violin and would like to master Dutch. Reports second parcel of clothing has arrived and he has most of what he needs…

Number 42. Complains of lack of mail. Life uneventful apart from cold weather. Writes about practising violin in latrine. Hoping for photographs of daughter Frances. Notes some prisoners have had optimistic letters. Mentions ice rinks but lack of…

Number 43. Hopes he will get more letters from her. Mentions going to officers compound for show but with restrictions on speaking to anyone. Reports very cold weather but is able to keep small room warm even with small coal allowance. Mentions he…

Number 45. Four weeks since last letter. Mentions new year pantomime which he did not enjoy. Describes gramophone recital and states that they have many mostly classical music records. Mentions problems with learning Dutch but still plugging away…

Number 47. Still no letter from wife but her parcel has arrived. Has now got all the clothing required just needs socks. Thanks her for included rug for which he is very grateful and would like another if he is there for another winter. Mentions…

He has received two letters and a clothing parcel. He asks for chocolate, socks, toothpaste soap 'etc'. He is getting his top teeth taken out. He is in good spirits and healthy.

He has had no mail. His dental work should be complete with seven teeth extracted. The weather is much better. He is in good health and spirits.

He has received two letters from his mother. He has had some war news which he says is very cheering. They are short of Red Cross parcels and cigarettes.

Writes of overpayment of uniform allowance and suggest paying back in instalments.

Deals with matter of overpayment of uniform allowance.

Letter and explanatory note. Writes of arriving at home and missing seeing his brother due to travel difficulties. Describes quiet evening with Mary and Sunday dinner. Comments of difficult journey back to base and finding out exam results on his…

Peter Lamprey writes to advise Bill of Fred Gunner’s address.


Peter Lamprey rewrites the story of Goldilocks with a Royal Air Force theme.


Describes recent journey to camp and current new accommodation as well as daily activity. Mentions visits to Manchester.

Writes that he still had not received any mail from them. Describes new year celebrations and seeing a film and getting a lift back to camp.

Reports on mail received and catches up with family news. Hopes he will start his course soon.

Reports arrival of mail. Mentions that his flight are still waiting to start their course but rumours suggest they will start in a week. Catches up with family news and gossip.


Writes that they will be starting their course on Monday 25th. Writes of dates of future moves to new training schools. Mentions poor weather and playing snooker and table tennis.


Reports recent mail and catches up with family news. Writes that his flight have at last started training. His course would take 9 weeks and then he would move to another station. Writes about weather and sunburn.


The author writes home with thanks for letters and Christmas cards. He tells of his New Year social activities and other personal items. He mentions his impending posting to Weyburn.

Terry Ford writes to his family about waiting for some tremendous news – it was about Churchill meeting Roosevelt in Africa. He writes about the contents of a parcel he has sent and who the items were for. No flying recently due to the snow.

Letter from Terry Ford to his family. He writes that he is now awaiting his next posting and that he has had a good time doing different social activities. He describes falling through the ice and into the river and having to run back to base as it…

Letter From Terry to his family. He writes that he has just been to Regina and has sent a parcel to them with items he has bought. He also writes about the weather saying that it is well below freezing therefore they are unable to be outside for more…


Writes that the place he was at was dead and isolated. Describes some activities over Christmas and during leave at new year. Catches up with news from home including noting a friend had been lost.
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