Browse Items (103 total)

  • Temporal Coverage starts with "1941-03"

Writes about mail received and that airmail was best method. Continues with commiseration about situation with his dad, Hopes she will get allotment from his pay which he has tried to increase three times. He suggest she contact the air ministry to…

Thanks her for parcel and states he has received first pay. Asks after his son and goes on to describe training and food. Discusses financial affairs and mentions other nationalities that are training.

Writes of the letters received so far with one possibly missing. Just jogging along hoping for the end of dreadful war. Tells of visit by a Mrs Clayton followed by another acquaintance. Catches up with local news and gossip. Hopes he will soon get…

Hoping that their first letter has arrived with him. Wrote thanking Red Cross for their help but noted that they had said that it was not allowed to send newspapers. Comments that razor blades are no longer available. Tells of visitor and catches up…

Writing on her birthday, mentions letters she had received from family and friends and passes on news. Catches up with news of activities and other gossip. Mentions that she had a little birthday party.

Has little news for him but comments on winter weather. Mentions six months before they can receive a reply to a letter. Lists letters they have had from him. Thankful to Red Cross for their work to make delivery possible. Mentions other mail they…

Reports letter received of November 15th and November 29th show how long they take. Catches up with father's activities and possible move to Nelson. Catches up gossip and weather. Mentions letters from people and passes on news. Discusses sending…

No recent letters from him and been without news for a long time. Writes of how severe winter was. Catches up with family news. Mentions going back to previous location for a few days and outline progress with move.

Mentions letter from Douglas's mother informing writer that Douglas was missing and now delighted to know he was alive and safe. Catches up with news of acquanitances. Hopes he got Christms card. Asks Douglas to let them know if there is anything…

Letter to Douglas Hudson asking that he no longer writes to a French girl because she is in trouble over the amount of correspondence she is receiving.

Letter from Ed Perkins at RAF Acklington. Writes that they had been fog bound and unable to fly. Announced one of his squadron had shot down a JU-88 and comments on resulting celebration. Mentions bad news concerning mutual friend. Comments on Rosser…

Confirms that her husband had arrived safely in Gibraltar. Two copies of same letter.

List of twenty-nine letters sent by Donald Baker to his mother between June 1940 and September 1941. Also notes he was shot down on 5 November 1941.

M A Niman’s RAF Observer’s and Air Gunner’s Flying Log Book, from 6th August 1941 to 2nd May 1945, detailing operations and instructional duties in the UK, Middle East and East Africa as a Wireless Operator/Air Gunner and “Special…

A brief account of the shooting down of Harry Redgrave's Manchester aircraft over Lincoln by a fighter. It states that four of the crew were killed and two injured when it crashed. Concludes with the statement 'There was doubt whether the fighter…

Sent to occupied Jersey via International Red Cross with message hoping she is well. Reply on reverse anxiously awaiting news and wonders how he is progressing.


Thirteen cartoon figures standing in row of seven at top and six on the bottom. All are girls of various heights, some wearing school uniform like clothes. One has a tennis racket and some have hats. One is eating a banana and one is crying.…

Medical questions for William Roy Peter Perry

Made out for T J Jones placed in grade 1 (one).

Top left - a man looking closely at a model ship on a table. In the background other figures. Captioned 'A10 NCO's Arts and Crafts Exhib, Stalag Luft 3'.
Top middle - four posters/drawings mounted on wall. Captioned 'A15 NCO's Arts and Crafts…

A group of airmen standing in front of an Anson. It is parked in the snow in front of a hangar.
The photo is annotated -
'1st Graduating Class No 5 Air Observers School
Winnipeg Manitoba Canada
March 26 1941'.

Writes he has not received any mail since his last letter and reiterates that airmail is best. Hopes she is settling down to new home and commiserates over family issue. Comments on recent weather and says he has no news.
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