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  • Spatial Coverage is exactly "Wales--Glamorgan"

Roly writes to his mother that he is enjoying his training even though he starts at 6am but there is no night flying.

Jock begins the interview with joining up and first flying on 201 Squadron, with flying boats from Sullom Voe. He then, briefly, covers training as wireless operator/air gunner. He was posted to 38 Squadron Wellingtons in July 1940 at RAF Marham and…

Completed 13 operations on 408 Squadron. Comments that he did not complete his tour as the war ended. Mentions first operation was to Bremen and last to Heligoland. Comments on his Canadian crew and mentions names and ranks, Covers his training…

Leslie gives account of his last operation to Leipzig on 19/20 February 1944. He commences with brief description of his join up and training. He mentions operations to Kassel and Berlin, completing 7 operations completed before Leipzig. He rists…

Starts with recounting the Glen Miller incident when having aborted an attack on Sagen due to bad weather, they jettisoned bombs in specified area of North Sea. This area coincided with the track of Glen Millers aircraft and someone claimed it was…

A group of 16 trainee airmen in uniform and half caps. Seven are sitting with their arms folded and nine stand in a line behind. Tom is standing second left back row. The other 15 men have signed the cover which is also annotated 'lads of No3 class…

Part of document annotated "issue 1939-45 star and France and Germany star"

Thanks her for something sent that arrived on his birthday, his first away from home. Discusses what else she might get him. Mentions his plans for celebration entertainment. Discusses radio programmes he had heard which made comment about the RAF.…

Thanks her for parcel which arrived in good condition. Explains why it was a long time since he had written due to lack of envelopes and money to buy stamps. Describes local beaches and asks he to send him his other white flashes. Continues with…

Comments on speed of mail. Mentions food on journey and describes local area and course colleagues. Mentions "D" day and that he had just about heard about the invasion. Comments that they had no wireless and they did not seem to have access to…

Comments on family mail. Writes about lack of water at home. Complains about poor summer weather at St Athan. Mentions visit by senior officer. Exchanges gossip about girls.

Says he would be able to write better letters with new paper and asks about costs of things he keeps asking her to send him. Last page has artwork of 'My Box'.

Catches up on mail received and mentions feeling bad about not writing to a friend. Asks her to get him a toothbrush and apologises for constantly asking for things and says he will pay for them. Complains that they could not get anything locally and…

Complains about lack of letters. Mentions having bank holiday off and tells story of colleague having girlfriend visit with a friend who he went out with. Describes girl and going for a meal and pictures. Tells story of their evening, night and next…

Writes about a flying bomb in Northampton. Mentions possible holiday/leave arrangements. Catches up with news of friends and correspondence. Mentions books sent. Asks for more writing materials. Mentions having scared off a girl from Weston.

Thanks her for lovely parcel and contents. Comments on medical issue. Apologizes for lack of letters but had been 'genning up' for a recent board. Failure to reach a certain percentage meant having to transfer to the army. Describes how board…

Envelope is stamped 'RAF Censor 710'. Comments on letters crossing in the post and on the weather. Mentions that food and camp are good and on large size of camp cinema. Mentions not getting newspapers but now having wireless installed so they could…

Writes that he had just arrived at new camp after hazardous journey which he describes in detail. Mentions falling asleep on train and being woken by an SP who took a dim view of the whole affair.

Thanks her for letter and white flash. Writes of going to Cardiff to visit friends and describes activities. Says in spite of having a good time he would endeavour to gradually fade away from a girl as she was getting too serious. Mentions getting a…

Writes as he had just arrived an new camp and describes journey with stop over in London. Mentions that he had everything in his kitbag after thinking that he was missing some document. Asks her to tell his sister that he had received Illustrated and…

Observer's and air gunner's flying log book for Thomas McMahon covering the period 29 December 1940 to 31 August 1942. Details his training and operational duties. He flew one night time and one daylight operation with 77 Squadron in Whitley aircraft…

Thanks him for his recent letter and best wishes. Mention s going to the cinema but not celebrating as he was saving money. Writes a little about training, exams and kit inspections. Comments on the tribulation of a colleague.
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