Browse Items (60 total)

  • Spatial Coverage is exactly "Wales"

Personal and family details. Mentions Trevor joining and his service with the Royal Air Force including overseas postings.

Trevor’s wife, Phyllis, recalls her early life and meeting and marrying Trevor. She describes his wartime service and life after the cessation of hostilities.

Idwal writes that he has finished at Florida and has returned to Canada. He describes his travel back to Canada and some of the people he met.

A head and shoulders photograph of two trainee airmen. On the reverse 'World War 1939-45 Gunner School Wales 1942' and on a post-it 'subject right'.

The service record of Albert Thomas Smith covering the period from his enlistment on 15 January 1926 to discharge on 23 March 1953. It includes reference to Albert being twice mentioned in despatches and being awarded the British Empire Medal and the…

View of a mountain through front cockpit window of an airborne Lancaster. On the reverse 'Welsh mountain from Lancaster M'.


Anne Morgan Rose Harcombe was born in London in 1938 and was evacuated, with her mother, at the start of the war to live with her mother’s family in South Wales

Detailing path flown, distance and time. On the reverse a map of England, Wales, northern France, Belgium, the Netherlands and western Germany.

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A photograph of 24 members of the Women’s Auxiliary Air Force in three rows; the first row of eight sat either side of a member of the Royal Air Force wearing a side cap. The second and third rows, each of eight women, are standing. All personnel…

Brian Walley's ditching in the North Sea and the loss of his crew members. He describes his return to Norderney in 1995. Later he made contact wit the families of his crew.

A poem about Mair and his life with her. It includes a photo of their wedding.

Elizabeth writes that her training continues, she is going into Edinburgh to have dinner with a friend of her Mother's and she thinks she will work as a driver,

Says he had heard she was good and helped her mummy which was good as mother was involved with younger daughter Pamela.

Right page:
Top left - woman sitting in chair in garden.
Top right - woman and a man sitting alongside each other on chairs in garden with trellis behind them.
Bottom left - a man wearing suit and tie and woman wearing dress standing side by side…

A biography of Vincent, Arnold's father.

A biography of the Christian family written by Arnold's grandson. There appears to be a connection to France, perhaps to Italian and French royalty. Later research suggested a Swiss connection but after research the Italian and French links were…

Mieczyslaw Maryszczak was born in Bokyivka, Ukraine and served in the Polish Army and then the Polish Air Force. An early memory of the war is throwing bread to starving Russian prisoners who were being marched from Lviv to Podlesice. At 17 he was in…

Two photographs, first is formal photograph, 61 individuals posed in thee rows, in front of brick building with large windows. Captioned 'No 38 SFTS RAF Estavan, Saskatchewan, Canada, December 1942.
Second is of 43 aircrew trainees and four staff,…

Shows maps of North Wales and the Midlands as well as an explanation of the Douglas protractor as well as diagrams of the Dalton computer and photographs of Wellington. Describes training at RAF Lichfield from end of March to 21 June 1944. Shows…

The news-sheet of the RAF ex-POW Association. This edition covers the POW memorial, Recco report -stories of ex-POWs, the Larry Slattery memorial fund, the Second World War experience centre, an article by Vitel Formanek about his visit to the UK, …

Writes that he hoped she got home safely and how much he enjoyed her visit. Describes his journey via Shrewsbury and Wales to Aberystwyth where unusually they were expected.

Ordnance Survey map of North Wales and Manchester, Military Edition, scale 1/4 inch to one mile, sheet 4.

Ordnance Survey air chart of North Wales and Manchester, scale 1/4 inch to one mile, sheet 4.

Ordnance Survey air chart of South Wales, sheet 7, scale 1/4 inch to one mile.
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