Browse Items (5 total)

  • Spatial Coverage is exactly "Virginia--Arlington"

#1 and 2 are views of the road from a car.
#3 is the Arlington Memorial Bridge.

This page is an entry point for a place. Please use the links below to see all relevant documents available in the Archive.

Top left - US treasury building
Bottom left - Edgar Shakespeare Library Washington DC, columned building.
Centre top - the White House.
Centre middle - capitol plaza at night.
Centre bottom - Lee mansion - Arlington.
Top right - US supreme court…

Top left - Lincoln statue in Lincoln memorial.
Top right - the national capitol building,
Bottom left - the national museum building with dome and columned front.
Bottom middle - distant view of the union railway station Washington DC.

Top left - the White House with pond in the foreground.
Top right - the Washington monument.
Bottom left - patio and Aztec fountain Pan-American Union.
Bottom middle - department of commerce multi-story building with columns on one side.
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