Browse Items (1010 total)

  • Spatial Coverage is exactly "United States"

Four photographs, the first captioned 'Sunset from the highway between Eureka and Crescent City.'
The second has a river its banks covered in trees, hills in the distance, captioned 'Eel River.'. The third has a group of tall trees flanking a road,…

12 Lancasters from 35 Squadron flying over New York. North Brother Island and Rikers Island can be seen in the top left of the photograph.The aircraft are in the post-war black and white colour scheme.

Six photographs from an album.
All feature a man sitting on a rock with a sketch pad.
#1 and 5, #2 and 6, #3 and 4 are the same. One being an enlargement.

Item 1 is a sketch map of the route flown across America and Canada.
Photograph 1 is eight airmen standing in front of the nose of a Lancaster. It is captioned 'Charlie's Crew in Suits of blue' and underneath the crew names "Tommy Teony [sic] Jack…

Photograph 1 is an air-to-air view of six Lancasters captioned ' Our Cover picture by Charles E Brown is of Lancasters of No 35 Squadron which, last August participated in the Air Force Day celebrations in the U.S.A.'
Photograph 2 is of six…

Item 1 is a formal invitation to Flight Lieutenant Mathers to attend a reception at the British Embassy.
Items 2, 3, 4 and 5 are air-to-air view s of 12 Lancasters over Washington captioned 'Formation over the "White House"'

52 airmen arranged in four rows in front of a wooden building. They are wearing sidecaps with a training flash. On the reverse is 'RAF Friends'. On the reverse of the second photograph is ' RAF. Friends Miami, Oklahoma 1942'.


Five airmen, wearing leather jackets, stand in a row alongside a Stearman with others beyond. The man in the centre wears a side cap and has his arms around the shoulders of the other men.

Information supplied with the collection states 'House in Nebraska, America where Ruby’s mother’s father and mother went to live – Susan & John Norman'.

Account of the operation to locate a German submarine and shooting down of a United States Navy PB4Y-1 Liberator by a Ju 88 in February 1944. Author is the nose gunner/bomb aimer and describes the operation, attack by fighters, ditching, escape to…

A card defining cadets limits, on the reverse and cadet officer of the day, cadet in charge of quarters, hospital, special pass or furlough and open post.

Extract from Martin Bowman's book: Bomber Command, reflections of war. Gives details of operation on 8/9 April 1942 to Hamburg by 272 Bomber Command aircraft including 13 Manchesters. One was an 83 Squadron Manchester piloted by Pilot Officer Jack…

An address book kept by Maurice. It includes a list of when he wrote letters.

A leaflet for the planetarium in Chicago.

Signatures and hometowns of Americans associated with advanced flying training school, Moody field, Valdosta Georgia February 1943. Bottom left a photograph of a serviceman wearing khaki uniform and peaked cap captioned 'rack em back, a/c John C…

He disembarked in the United States and travelled to Canada by train via New York. It was comfortable with excellent food.

Jim Allen's experiences after the end of the war. He married in 1944 and had three children. His first job was as a bus conductor, then an insurance agent but he was unhappy so rejoined the RAF. He trained as a Fighter Controller and was posted to…

A diploma awarded to Horace for the satisfactory completion of a course in Air Gunnery.

A chapel with spire with trees and cars parked alongside. To the left are three barrack style buildings amongst a series of utility poles.


Top left - oblique aerial photograph of a town with river running from bottom to top right. Captioned 'Miami looking S.E.'.
Middle right - oblique aerial photograph of a town in middle distance with part of cockpit coaming and tailplane visible.…
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