Browse Items (67 total)

  • Spatial Coverage is exactly "Ukraine"

A mass execution of Jews is taking place whilst fierce fires are burning in the background. To the front of the crowd, many have been killed and are lying on the ground. Others are being herded into the mass of people being killed, some holding up…

Item 1 refers to a protest from Dresden over a statue to Sir Arthur Harris.
Item 2 is a letter thanking Sir Arthur Harris from a couple bombed out of their home in Liverpool.
Item 3 is an article titled 'Remembering Bomber H'.
Item 4 is a letter…

Mieczyslaw Maryszczak was born in Bokyivka, Ukraine and served in the Polish Army and then the Polish Air Force. An early memory of the war is throwing bread to starving Russian prisoners who were being marched from Lviv to Podlesice. At 17 he was in…

The leaflet addresses the Battle for Australia against the Japanese with General MacArthur’s appointment as Supreme Commander of Allied Forces in Australia and the Southwest Pacific. The Australian Prime Minister, John Curtin, announces successful…

The official journal of the Prisoners of War Department of the Red Cross and St John War Organisation. This edition covers the Editors comments, Repatriation Arrangements, Liberation comes to Stalag IXA, Behind the Scenes about theatrical endeavours,…

The official journal of the Prisoners of War Department of the Red Cross and St John War Organisation. This edition covers the Editors comments, the transport of food parcels, Emergency supplies for the camp, POW cooking, articles about Christmas in…

The official journal of the Prisoners of War Department of the Red Cross and St John War Organisation. This edition covers the Editors comments, POWs released by the Russians, ex-Internees welcomed home, entertainment at the Camps, Escaped Prisoners…

Jozef's autobiography. He flew with the Polish Air Force and escaped to Romania after the German's invaded. He further escaped to France and flew there against the Germans until he was instructed to head for the UK. He was shot down and taken…

A list of 15 flights to and from Warsaw and aircrew. They cover from 13 Aug 1944 to 2 Nov 1944.

William Cross Memoir of a supply drop to Polish fighters. They lost an engine and struggled to maintain height. The pilot had bailed out leaving the rest of the crew to fly the aircraft. They landed successfully in Russian territory and met up with…

Paolo Troglio in shorts and shirt with rolled-up sleeves walks a puppy and a duck on leads. A tree and a building with the letters H and G are in the background. On the reverse: 'Stalino
il mio cagnolino e un'oca'


Reports that the American Army has crossed the Rhine near Mainz and provides a summary of President Roosevelt’s report to the American Congress on the Yalta Conference: the need for Germany’s unconditional surrender; the nature of Germany’s…

The Americans are said to have advanced 250 kilometres in 13 days, reaching the Loire near Nantes and cutting off Brittany. 13,300 German prisoners have been captured and 75,000 German troops cut off. Seven ships were destroyed by the allies. A…

Article 1. Headlines: General Giraud to succeed Darlan, unanimous election by imperial council, public calm after assassination, General de Gaulle to visit Washington. Article 2. Headlines: advance from Sirte, eighth army progress, approaching the…

Cutting 1 headlines: Ciano goes, Duce as foreign minister, grandi losses his ministry, Cutting 2 headlines: Mr Churchill in Tripoli, thanks to eighth army, review of tanks. Cutting 3 headlines: Rostov captured, Voroshilovgrad also in Russian hands,…

Article 1. Headlines: Kharkov falls, city taken after fierce street fighting, German S.S army corps routed, Russians advancing on Taganrog. Article 2. Headlines: government policy on Beveridge plan, acceptance in principle with some reservations,…

Article 1. Headlines: commons division after Beveridge debate, government majority of 216, Mr Morrison's reply to Labour amendment. Article 2. Headlines: Russians occupy Rzhev, a large haul of tanks and guns, continued advance from Khakov, railway…

Article 1. Headlines: Vyasma occupied by red army, pursuit towards Smolensk continuing, heavy casualties inflicted, Germans claimn to be in Kharkov. Article 2. headlines: Mr Eden in Washington, meeting to-day with President Roosevelt, wide…

Cutting 1 headlines: Russians capture Stalino, Germans thrown out of Donetz basin, enemy reduced to three railway lines westward. Cutting 2 headlines: Hitler rages at Italy, treachery of surrender, Germany to fight alone. Cutting 3 headlines: Germans…

Article headlines: Crimea the final victory, died in thousands, one-man rafts. Account of defeat of 40,000 man German 17th Army defending the Crimea.

Three men arm in arm standing in front of the rear fuselage of a Lublin R-XIV aircraft of 66 Eskadra Towarzysząca with chameleon insignia below turret ring. Another man stands behind and there are other aircraft and a hangar in the background. Three…

Two men, one in uniform, the other shirt sleeves standing by a Lublin R-XIV aircraft of 66 Eskadra Towarzysząca with chameleon emblem on fuselage. Another man stands by engine. On the reverse 'two instructors at grandads pilot school'. Three…

A airman wearing flying suit sitting on the port undercarriage wheel of a high-wing single engine aircraft (RWD-8). On the reverse handwriting in Polish and date '10/XII/1936' and 'PLZ - P26 Biplane trainer'. Three versions of the same image, the…

Three-quarter length image of an airman wearing flying helmet, jacket and parachute. Hangar in the background. Three versions of the same image, the second submitted with information 'img177' and the third 'img385'.
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