A commemorative poster with a map of Southern Europe and North Africa. Around the outside is a list of locations where operations were carried out. There is a paragraph with details of the operations.
Map showing Mediterranean Sea and surrounding countries. Provides a history of of the group who provided the only mobile force of heavy bombers in the Mediterranean theatre. Wellington, Halifax and B-24 acted as a tactical force attacking…
A newspaper cutting reporting Winston Churchill on two wartime related issues. The first is about the continued threat from U-boats and the second an explanation about Britain's role in Syria.
Pilot's flying log book for Ernest 'Cappy' Olaf Lane covering the period 30 April 1940 to 27 April 1943 detailing his training and operations flown with 148 Squadron. Cappy flew 29 operations, 18 as second pilot to Sergeant Lewis, Sergeant Attwell,…
Royal Australian Air Force flying log book for Ernest 'Cappy' Olaf Lane covering the period 30 April 1940 to 15 October 1944 detailing his training and operations flown. Cappy flew 51 operations, 18 as second pilot to Sergeant Lewis, Sergeant…
Alan Coburn’s father was killed in the First World War when he was one year old and his brother was not yet born. He attended a prep school in London and then Rugby before gaining a degree at Oxford University. The insurance brokerage associated…
Raymond Barnes worked in factories before he joined the RAF. He trained as an engine fitter and was posted to the Mediterranean, the Middle East and the Far East. He was servicing Spitfires for 242 Squadron and then Dakotas for 267 Squadron. He was…
Raymond spent his time in the R.A.F. overseas, this lengthy memoir covers the period July 1943 until August 1946. He served in the Middle and Far East and Italy. He was an Engine Mechanic/Fitter and this is his story. The memoir has maps of his…
Covering the period 7 April 1941 to 19 November 1941 when Jack was serving in the Middle East and North Africa. He describes his last night with his wife Eileen, preparations for the transfer, time spent in camp, sightseeing, films watched, receiving…