Browse Items (11 total)

  • Spatial Coverage is exactly "Scotland--Kilmarnock"

Left page:
Seven club members. Captioned 'R.Nicol, L.Beaty, V.S. Davies, R.C.. Wells, A.Muir, A.Izatt, J.M. Walker. Winners of Western Counties Water Polo League. Division 3B 1937'.
Right page:
Nine members of the polo team in swimming attire and…


Left page:
Members of the polo team with 11 in swimming attire and three in suits. A shield sits alongside the group.
Right page:
The crew of Lancaster ND 345.
Top: Flight Lieutenant Donald MacKay DFC, Pilot.
Second row, from left: Pilot…

Left page:
Top, a view of white headstones
Bottom, a temporary cross with ‘115170 S/LDR A MUIR DFC' on the cross bar and below, on the upright, ‘RAF 21-2-44’.
Right page: commemorative and historical information about Andrew and the…

Left page:
42 men in uniform, 39 trainees and three staff, posed in four rows front of a building.
Right page:
Top left, Andrew with a woman and child at the presentation of his Distinguished Flying Cross.
Top right, a report of the awarding of…

Left page:
Top, a memorial to Squadron leader Andrew Muir, DFC.
Bottom, the memorial at Rheinberg War Cemetery.
Right page:
Top left, stone cross war memorial with white headstones beyond.
Right, rows of white headstones.
Bottom, a view of the…

Left page:
Top left, a young boy in a sailor suit.
Right, a boy wearing a kilt and holding a sword.
Middle row, left, a group of men and women arranged on the steps by an open doorway.
Centre, a young child in coat, hat and boots.
Bottom, three…

Left page:
Top left, reporting on the Distinguished Flying Cross awarded to Andrew with memoriam notices.
Right, notice of Andrew bring missing.
Bottom, death notices including Andrew.
Right page:
Top left, a report of Andrew's death.…

Left page:
A pocket with paper enclosed.
Right page:
Notes in memory of Squadron Leader Andrew Muir, DFC including his death, family details and final resting place with a memorial reading 'Their Name Liveth For Evermore'.

This page is an entry point for a place. Please use the links below to see all relevant documents available in the Archive.

Harold Jack Lazenby's autobiography.

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24 pages of an address book.
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