Photograph of Ken with an unidentified individual, upper torso, leaning on a canon, other canon in background, Post it note 'Subject left ? Edinburgh'.
Navigator's air bomber’s and air gunner’s flying log book for Flight Sergeant Leonard Green, wireless operator, covering the period from 15 December 1942 to 20 January 1946. He was stationed at RAF Manby, RAF Wigtown, RAF Bitteswell, RAF…
Letter from David Boldy to his father about his daily activities after leaving Scotland for Hastings, and visiting his mother and Steve whilst passing through London. He comments the current military situation.
Letter from David Boldy to his father about being stationed in Scotland, waiting to start the air observers school. He has visited Edinburgh and been swimming locally.
Letter from David Boldy to his mother and brother. Discussed new cleaning task that he has been completing around; mentions two restaurants he visited and a date he failed to attend; showed interest in joining the aircrew and speaks about the…
Reports arrival of paper and cigarettes. mentions taking exam and he will be able to get home for a leave. Continues next day, writes of taking exam that day and others in the future. Annotated 'Dennis last letter to me'.
Writes that he would be leaving for Rhodesia in a couple of weeks and have option of sea or air. Mentions visiting relatives in Somerset and catches up with family news and tells of activities. Also mentions a visit to Torquay to see friends. Says…
Writes that he arrived in Glasgow a week ago and returning to Wolverhampton to report to RAF Cosford for medical following Tuesday. Catches up with family news and writes of activities visiting relatives in Scotland. Mentions that he was inoculated…
Thanks her for recent letters. Commiserates over bad news about a friend. Catches up with other family news. Mentions that he had a weeks leave and went to Scotland to visit friends and family. Describes visit in some detail and catches up with…
Writes of his activities and movements. Mentions he is glad they are in current location in the warm season as he imagined that the weather in Scotland would not be pleasant in winter. Comments on poor mail and catches up with family news. Poor…
Writes that he is on leave and they were having beautiful weather. Relates his journey on leave via Hull and Leeds and tells of his activities. Mentions a day in London and catches up with news of friend who had transferred to Mosquito and had many…
Mentions letter from Douglas's mother informing writer that Douglas was missing and now delighted to know he was alive and safe. Catches up with news of acquanitances. Hopes he got Christms card. Asks Douglas to let them know if there is anything…
Thanks for parcel she sent, especially as night flying had precluded his from shopping for essentials. Continues to describe activities around Christmas 1942 including being on search and rescue standby on Christmas day and a sortie to Lossiemouth…
Elizabeth writes that her training continues, she is going into Edinburgh to have dinner with a friend of her Mother's and she thinks she will work as a driver,
#1 is a Mitchell annotated 'Mitchell bomber to cross Atlantic Scotland 1942'.
#2 is a front/starboard side view of a Mitchell.
#3 and 5 is an airman standing outside two Nissen huts, annotated '1942 John on route in first Mitchell bomber,…
Top, a composite panoramic view of open countryside.
Second row left, waves breaking on a shoreline. Coast in the distance. Second row centre, sea shore with groynes in middle distance and a building further back on the right.
Second row right, a…
An airman wearing battledress and parachute harness holding canvas bag standing in front of wooden wall. Submitted with caption 'Pat in training'. On the reverse 'taken in Scotland some time ago just prior to a flip. For once the run is apparently …
Seven photographs, the first is of a large docked ship, captioned 'Queen Elizabeth, Browns 1939'.
Second is party of RAF marching down a Blythswood Square in Glasgow, captioned '602 Squadron Annual Church Parade 1932'.
Third is Patrick sitting…
Eight photographs and a newspaper cutting, the cutting has four Wellingtons in flight, captioned 'Vickers Wellington bombers'.
Three photographs are captioned Port Patrick.
One, not captioned is of an aircrew sergeant standing in a country lane.…
Account of troops in Scotland marooned without supplies and bomber loaded with 700 pound of bread drops supplies. Further supplies were dropped over a few days.