Browse Items (32 total)

  • Spatial Coverage is exactly "Saskatchewan--Regina"

Alan writes that he has moved to Edmonton. He finds the scenery repetitive and not varied like England.

Alan writes that he has moved to Regina, Saskatchewan. The weather is hot and he should be there for eight weeks.

Alan writes that his course is pretty tough compared with Cambridge. He sailed across in a large luxury liner, the food was good. Chocolate, fruit and cigarettes were for sale in unlimited quantities. The sea became rough and many were sick. Then…

Writing from Saskatchewan Hotel, Regina where he was visiting a friend while on leave. Talks of meeting friend and seeing him flying Tiger Moth. Catches up with news of a number of friends. Comments on twelve hour bus journey across prairie to…

Charle's RCAF service paper.

#1 is a side view of a steam train.
#2 is a view out of a carriage window.
#3 is a street scene, captioned 'Regina'.

12 locations listed under the heading 'May-August 1942'.

1:506880 Chart of Swift Current-Regina.

Reg Harrison grew up on a farm in Saskatchewan, Canada and enjoyed watching aircraft when they flew over. He had his first flight as a youngster after borrowing five dollars from a shopkeeper. He volunteered for aircrew as soon as he was of age and…

Seven airmen arranged in a row. Their names are listed in a caption above. On the image is annotated 'LMG. 116. F/O Proudfoot. 427'

Two photographs of WB Britton and crew. In the first the men are arranged in two rows beside their aircraft. In the second the seven airmen are arranged in a row. Their names are listed in a caption above. On the image is annotated 'LMG. 171. F/O…

Letter From Terry to his family. He writes that he has just been to Regina and has sent a parcel to them with items he has bought. He also writes about the weather saying that it is well below freezing therefore they are unable to be outside for more…


Letter from Terry to his family. He writes thanking them for their letters and money and says that he has just been on leave to Regina; about the weather and his exams.

An air chart covering the Swift Current and Regina area of Saskatchewan.

Four photographs from an album.
Photo 1 is a street scene, captioned 'Weyburn Main St'.
Photo 2 is an aerial view of a railway line and a few houses, captioned ' The town? of Yeomans'.
Photo 3 is a horse and sled outside a store. The caption has…


Terry Ford writes to his family about waiting for some tremendous news – it was about Churchill meeting Roosevelt in Africa. He writes about the contents of a parcel he has sent and who the items were for. No flying recently due to the snow.

A letter from Terry Ford to his family where he writes about social and domestic events, a desire to visit the States, an improvement in the weather, the loss of one of his friends on an operation and future flying.

In the letter Arthur describes his achievement becoming a pilot officer and the party afterwards. He then got 48 hours leave and went to Moose Jaw. Later he and five others ferried Tiger Moths to Saskatoon via Regina.An Anson followed and ferried…

Photo 1 is the crowd watching.
Photo 2 is more crowds watching.
Photo 3 is horses racing.
Photo 4 is a distant bucking bronco.
Photo 5 is distant steer riding.

Top left an ornate multistory public building with a tower on the front. In the foreground several people on pathways. Captioned 'Town Hall, Regina'. Top right - two views mounted overlapping showing panoramic of a park with lake behind. In the…

Top left - a large multistory public building with dome in the centre. Top right - in the distance on the far side of a lake, a large building with dome in the centre. Both photographs captioned 'Parliament Buildings, Regina'. Bottom left - a city…
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