Browse Items (85 total)
- Spatial Coverage is exactly "Ontario--Toronto"
Tags: aerial photograph
Two part airgram from Reginal Weeden to his mother
Part 2. On return was posted to air observers school and was packing to go. Arrive in Toronto and did tour including Niagara…
Toronto shore
Tags: aerial photograph
Toronto [entry point]
The Story of Flight Lieutenant John J Blair, DFC
John was born in 1919 to a poor…
Tags: 102 Squadron; 216 Squadron; 4 Group; 78 Squadron; African heritage; air gunner; aircrew; Anson; anti-aircraft fire; bomb aimer; bombing; bombing of Helgoland (18 April 1945); Conspicuous Gallantry Medal; crewing up; demobilisation; Distinguished Flying Cross; Distinguished Flying Medal; entertainment; Gee; ground personnel; Halifax; Halifax Mk 3; Hitler, Adolf (1889-1945); incendiary device; Ju 88; killed in action; Lancaster; medical officer; mid-air collision; military service conditions; mine laying; missing in action; Mosquito; navigator; Pathfinders; pilot; prisoner of war; radar; RAF Kinloss; RAF Oakington; RAF Pocklington; RAF Tangmere; RCAF Moncton; searchlight; sport; training; Whitley; wireless operator
The Kriegie June 1995
Tags: 106 Squadron; 138 Squadron; 42 Squadron; 460 Squadron; 78 Squadron; aircrew; Beaufighter; crash; Distinguished Flying Cross; Distinguished Flying Medal; Dulag Luft; escaping; evading; flight engineer; Fw 190; George Cross; George VI, King of Great Britain (1895-1952); Harris, Arthur Travers (1892-1984); Harvard; Lancaster; Manchester; Me 110; memorial; Military Cross; prisoner of war; RAF Alconbury; RAF Biggin Hill; RAF Honington; Scharnhorst; Spitfire; sport; Stalag 3A; Stalag Luft 1; Stalag Luft 3; Stalag Luft 4; the long march; Victoria Cross; wireless operator
Telegram from Roy Chadwick
Sergeant McMahon's address book
Tags: aircrew; prisoner of war
Sergeant HR Collver and Crew
Retirement from the Royal Air Force
Pilot Officer IC Thomson and Crew
Further annotation reads '24 O.T.U. [indecipherable] 1659 F/O Black'