Browse Items (50 total)

  • Spatial Coverage is exactly "Ontario--Picton"

Three identical photos of 14 airmen arranged in two rows. One is eating a banana, several are drinking tea and others are holding bananas and oranges.
Jack Jones is front row, third from right.

#1 On the reverse -
'Would you like an orange mum…

A large group of airmen mostly wearing khaki uniform with side caps (three in blue battledress) sitting and standing in four rows in front of hangar doors. Captioned 'Picton, Ontario - NAV/BA course'.

Eight aircrew students, in uniform,with LAC rank badges and aircrew training flashes in their hats, standing outside Picton Post Office. Captioned 'Fellow aircrew students outside post Office, Picton, Ontario, Canada. Photo summer 1942.

The first of three chapters of Bill's wartime service.
There is a second copy with handwritten edits.

Bill Foskett’s Flying Log Book as Bomb Aimer from 6th November 1942 until 3rd July 1945. Retrained in Canada as bomb aimer and air gunner at 31 Bombing and Gunnery School (Picton) and 31 Advanced Navigation School (Port Albert). Posted to 2…

Page is captioned 'No 31 Bombing and Gunnery School Picton. A Bolingbroke on fire.'
Three photographs of a burning aircraft captioned 'Fighting the fire.', 'Where there is smoke there is fire.' and 'Almost under control'.
The fourth clearly of a…

A card sent to Dos and Marj from Jack.

A card sent by Jack to Tom and Marj.

A Christmas card sent by Jack to Misses DE & ME Jones. The card is annotated 'To Mum & Pop' and signed 'Jack'.

Thirty-two airmen, all but one wearing RAF uniform tunics, sitting and standing in three rows in front of a brick building. Captioned 'NAV/BA Course - Picton Ontario'.

Don Falgate in flying gear standing by nose of a Bolingbroke.

Don Falgate in flying gear and standing in the fuselage of a Bolingbroke hatch. Captioned 'Self disembarking from and in front of RCAF Bolingbroke training aircraft on completion of gunnery detail. In upper photo container in my right hand is a…

Flying log book for aircrew other than pilot for E A Denman, bomb aimer, covering the period from 16 July 1943 to 28 February 1946. Detailing his flying training, operations flown and instructor duties. He was stationed at 31 Bombing and Gunnery…

Three photographs.
#1 is five airmen, two in uniform, three in swimming trunks, sitting on the sand.
#2 is the Picton United Church, Picton, Ontario, Canada.
#3 is five trainee airmen sitting on the grass.

Looking over gunners shoulder, machine gun and cockpit structure in background. Captioned 'Take off and firing at a towed target with Lewis gun aboard Fairey Battle training aircraft from RAF Picton, Ontario, Canada. Spring/summer 1942'.

Looking over gunners shoulder, machine gun and cockpit structure in background. Captioned 'Take off and firing at a towed target with Lewis gun aboard Fairey Battle training aircraft from RAF Picton, Ontario, Canada. Spring/summer 1942'.

A newsletter produced by the No 31 Bombing and Gunnery School, Picton, Ontario. It contains stories, mini-biographies of station personnel, poems, reviews of Picton cafes, a pantomime, news and views, sport and entertainment and cartoons.
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