Browse Items (6 total)

  • Spatial Coverage is exactly "New York (State)--Albany"

An address book kept by Maurice. It includes a list of when he wrote letters.

This page is an entry point for a place. Please use the links below to see all relevant documents available in the Archive.

The photograph on the left shows the Alfred E. Smith State Office Building in Albany behind some trees and a road. Cars can be seen on the road.
The photograph in the middle of the left page shows cars and other motor vehicles on a road situated…

Listing Flight Lieutenant George Albert James Frazer-Hollins's date of birth, previous service, appointments and promotions, postings, honours and awards.

Stearman. More aircraft can be seen in the background of the right photograph. On the reverse is STEARMAN, a number "023" and a stamp dated "APR 15 1942" and the words "McCOLLUM'S PHOTO SHOP ALBANY . GA."


Vultee on an airfield. A building and parked cars can be seen in the background. On the reverse is B13 VULTEE a number "023" and a stamp dated "APR 15 1942" and the writing "McCOLLUM'S PHOTO SHOP ALBANY . GA."


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