Browse Items (30 total)

  • Spatial Coverage is exactly "Italy--Florence"

Album page, five photographs, first is of Jack with another SNCO, urban street scene in background, captioned 'Rome 1945'. Reverse captioned 'Rome May 1945, Darling, as I was when peace was declared in Europe, yours as always Jack xxx'.
Second is…

MB CR 1 437 B.mp3
L’intervistata è Paola Rinaldi, nata a Pistoia il 2 giugno 1937, assistente sociale. L’intervista è effettuata da Claudio Rosati presso la sua abitazione a Pistoia, il 4 agosto 1983. Paola Rinaldi è più volte sfollata con il fratello e la…

Biography of Ron Williams. Contains photographs and scans of documents.
Chapter 1 - early life, enlistment and training.
Chapter 2 - operational training. Describes activities during training OTU including naming his crew and flying out to…
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