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  • Spatial Coverage is exactly "Italy--Florence"

ISRPT, C.b.b.21 Fondo Risaliti INS. 4, 187-1.jpg
Nello Nardi claims he helped seven allied prisoners of war, after September 1943, giving them food; from 10 September he helped other four English servicemen, and in November, he helped George, Frederick, and John, hide on Monte Morello (Florence).…

ISRPT, C.b.b.21 Fondo Risaliti INS. 4, 180-1.jpg
Rotilia Lorenzini claims she nursed for two months one Allied prisoner of war; after that he was hospitalised in Florence.

ISRPT, C.b.b.21 Fondo Risaliti INS. 4, 210-1.jpg
Solitario Cappellini claims he helped five allied servicemen, from November 1943 to September 1944: Thvendale W, Wilys F, Ramsdenj, Hurlstone, anf McCarty. He gave them shelter in his house, providing food and clothes. In September 1944, he took them…

ISRPT, C.b.b.21 Fondo Risaliti INS. 4, 174-1.jpg
Virgilio Peli claims he helped thirteen English prisoners of war, from 25 September 1943 to 20 December 1943, giving them food, clothes, and cigarettes. On 20 December, they moved to Monte Morello (Florence), where a Partisan brigade was active. For…

Biography of Ron Williams. Contains photographs and scans of documents.
Chapter 1 - early life, enlistment and training.
Chapter 2 - operational training. Describes activities during training OTU including naming his crew and flying out to…
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