Browse Items (6 total)

  • Spatial Coverage is exactly "India--Bengal"

Half-length image of an airman wearing tropical uniform and hat drinking from a can with trees in the background. Submitted with caption 'LAC 'Dizzy' Newton, somewhere in Bengal [Norman Didwell]', Additional information kindly supplies by the donor.

William Jackson’s Flying Log Book 2 from 15th February 1943 until 26th November 1946. Posted to 23 Operational Training Unit, 15 Operational Training Unit (October 1943) and 1673 Heavy Conversion Unit (May 1944). Operational posting to 355 Squadron…

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William Cooke joined the Royal Air Force at the age of 18, becoming a rear gunner on Lancasters. He followed his brother and sister into the RAF. He tells of his spell of guard duty on board a troop ship, and losing one of the people he was showing…

John successfully negotiated a transfer to the Royal Australian Air Force from the militia. There was an Initial Training School at Somers, followed by elementary flying training at Temora. He flew Oxfords at the Service Flying Training School at…
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