Browse Items (7 total)

  • Spatial Coverage is exactly "Germany--Schwammenual Dam"

This page is an entry point for a place. Please use the links below to see all relevant documents available in the Archive. See also Urft Dam.

Royal Canadian Air Force flying log book for aircrew other than pilot for Charles Arthur Hill Darby, air bomber, covering the period from 23 August 1943 to 13 August 1945. He was stationed at RCAF Lethbridge, RCAF Edmonton, RAF Bishops Court, RAF…

Air gunner’s flying log book for G M McPherson, covering the period from 29 August 1943 to 9 April 1945. Detailing his flying training and operations flown. He was stationed RCAF McDonald, RAF Turweston, RAF Silverstone, RAF Shepherds Grove, RAF…

Flying log book for D Moore, navigator, covering the period from 5 June 1943 to 13 June 1947. Detailing his flying training, operations flown, instructor duties and post war flying with 52 Squadron and civilian flying with Silver City Airlines. He…

Aerial view of Lancaster 'LS-W' seen from the port side and slightly above.
On the reverse 'Lanc ME844 15 Sqdn Mildenhall
80 ops as 'C' until 23/3/45 then 'W'
Flew in this a/c as 'C' on 5/12/44 as 'Master Bomber' SCHWAMMENUAL DAM
Daylight T/O…

C F Turner’s air gunner’s log book covering the period from 27 December 1943 to 4 April 1945. Detailing his flying training and operations flown as rear air gunner. He was stationed at SAAF Port Alfred (43 Air School), RAF Little Horwood and RAF…
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