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  • Spatial Coverage is exactly "Germany--Dessau (Dessau)"

Observer's and air gunner's flying log book for Alan Edwin Camlin, air gunner, covering the period 12 November 1943 to 12 January 1946 and detailing his training and operations flown. He was stationed at No.7 Air Gunner School RAF Stormy Down, No.11…

Navigators, air bombers, air gunners and flight engineers flying log book for Archie Henry Halliday from 30 August 1944 to 10 April 1945 detailing his training and operational duties. Training was with No.4 S of TT at RAF St. Athan and Heavy…

Some personal data and a list of operations with heights. Entries for flying days, Operations January to April 1945, Mentions leave, birthdays, train times, days out, events, news of friends and acquaintances, meetings and parties, hospital…

Flying log book for R Sharrock, flight engineer, covering the period from 22 March 1944 to 17 April 1945. Detailing his flying training and operations flown. He was stationed at RAF Dishforth and RAF Middleton St George. Aircraft flown in were:…

C F Turner’s air gunner’s log book covering the period from 27 December 1943 to 4 April 1945. Detailing his flying training and operations flown as rear air gunner. He was stationed at SAAF Port Alfred (43 Air School), RAF Little Horwood and RAF…

Talks of school time and members of the Hitler youth before the war. Comments on using "Himmelbett" and "Zahme or Wilde Sau" systems with some description of night fighter operations. Goes on to describe the Luftwaffe system for making claims of…

Observer’s and air gunner’s flying log book for D Phillips, navigator, covering the period from 16 September 1943 to 7 September 1945. Detailing his flying training and operations flown. He was stationed at SAAF Queenstown, RAF Moreton Valance,…

Target photograph showing cloud and light streak. Captioned 'Dessau'.

See all Archive items about this place oruse refinements: ArtworkMapMap. Navigation chart and logMoving imagePhotographPhysical objectPhysical object. ClothingPhysical object. DecorationSoundTechnical aidTextText. CorrespondenceText. DiaryText. Log…

Donald Briggs served as a flight engineer with 156 Squadron Pathfinders flying Lancasters from RAF Upwood between 27 May 1944 and 31 March 1945. The incomplete log book includes 62 daylight and night time operations to French, German, Dutch and…

Frank Fertich’s Flying Log book as air gunner covering the period from 24 January 1944 to 17 April 1945. Detailing his flying training and operations flown as air gunner. He was stationed at RCAF Mont Joli (9 B&GS), RAF Wellesbourne Mountford (22…

Observer’s and air gunner’s flying log book for G C Warren, navigator, covering the period from 25 August 1943 to 16 March 1945, when he failed to return from an operation to Nuremburg. He was stationed at SAAF Port Elizabeth, SAAF East London,…

First five operations on 149 Squadron Stirling, then one operation on 218 Squadron before he Joined 75 Squadron on 16 January 1945. List 15 operations as air gunner on Stirling and Lancaster.

Albert was born in Aberdeenshire. Before the war he worked as an apprentice in an engineering firm. In 1943 he volunteered for the Royal Air Force, trained at London, RAF Bridlington and RAF Newquay before going for mechanical and engineering…
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