Browse Items (26 total)

  • Spatial Coverage is exactly "France--Vaires-sur-Marne"

P M Edge’s Flying Log Book as a bomb aimer from 20th March 1943 until 28th September 1944. Initial bombing and gunnery training at 41 Air School in South Africa, before posting back to the UK in September 1943. Further training at 10 Advanced…

Harry joined the Royal Australian Air Force on 25 June 1942 as a wireless operator/air gunner and received his initial training in Australia before going to Canada for his trade training.

He sailed on the SS Johan Van Barneve to San Francisco and…

This is the crews second operation, two navigation log sheets, part of a plotting map and a target photograph.
The target photograph shows a railway marshalling yard running top to bottom, bomb explosions, smoke and craters visible. Caption for the…

Top left - extract from ned Sparkes's log book from 1 July 1944 to 28 July 1944 with operations to Bienhais, Bremont, Vaires, Dognes St Nazaire and Hamburg.
Right - three short documents one partially obscured two relating to flying bomb sites, and…

Left - copy of book page 82 (Headed: the Nurenburg raid) with details of American operations, 617 Squadron operation to Lyons as well as attack on Brunswick and railway junction at Vaires. Noted one Halifax missing from a Canadian Squadron on latter…

Top - a note explaining the railway plan in preparation for Operation Overlord, attacks on French railway system.
Top left - extract from Ned Sparkes's logbook from 1 March 1944 to 29 March 1944 with operations to Trappes, Le Mans (twice), Brest,…

First page - photograph of seven airmen wearing battledress with brevet standing in front of a Lancaster. Captioned 'Lancaster - 138 Squadron, Alf Warren (3rd from the left) mid upper gunner'. Then follows a list of thirty-one operations between 2…

Five items, Edward's brief description of the operation, his navigation plot, the expected H2S return over the target, two press cuttings, one with the caption'Paris/Vaires marshalling yard devastation' showing the Vaires rail yard after the attacks,…

Target photograph showing railways running top to bottom with marshalling yard centre right. Bomb explosions over yard. A Lancaster is visible bottom left flying to the left. Titled 'Vaires marshalling yard (14 miles east of Paris) 18 July 1944,…

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