Browse Items (59 total)

  • Spatial Coverage is exactly "France--Saumur"

Typewritten summary of bombing of Saumur railway tunnel and bridge. Wing Commander G L Cheshire is identified as the commanding officer.

A map of western Europe overlaid with the tracks of 34 operations undertaken by John and his crew.

This item was sent to the IBCC Digital Archive already in digital form. No better quality copies are available.

A series of four charts at 1:2890000 scale.
#1 has a route to St Martin de Marreville dated 28/5/44.
#2 has a route to Saumur, dated 31/1/644.
#3 has a route to Nantes dated 29/5/44.
#4 has a route to Mailly le Camp

Lists 34 operations between 28 May 1944 and 19 September 1944. 467 Squadron RAAF. On last sortie noted that Wing Commander Gibson VC was master bomber and was killed on return flight. In addition first operation was in Lancaster R5868 which is now in…

Shows page with summary for May 1944 with six sorties recorded. Lancaster, 467 Squadron at RAF Waddington rear gunner. Includes two operations to French targets. His pilot on operations was Flying Officer McLauchlan.

This item was sent to the IBCC…

List of operations from July 1941 until September 1943 for 15 Squadron, 1651 HCU at RAF Waterbeach and 214 Squadron at various airfields. Note at bottom; losses 19 Stirlings 4 Fortresses.

Five Group Newsletter, number 22, May 1944. Includes a foreword by the Air Officer Commanding, and features about armament, war savings, flying control, engineering, flight engineers, gardening, prisoner of war fund, air bombing, navigation,…

Reconnaissance photograph showing entrance of railway tunnel one quarter way down in centre with large crater to right of entrance. Other craters to the left of entrance. three roads join top slightly left and run to left and right sides. On the…

Reconnaissance photograph showing entrance of railway tunnel with large crater just above. Two other craters on approach line with others to the left and right. On the reverse '8.7.44, W.S. G94, 51:92/20'.

Reconnaissance photograph showing road running top to bottom on the right side. To the right a river. Top right a railway bridge with rail line running into a tunnel just left of road. To the left of the road a built up area. A crater is visible on…

Reconnaissance photograph showing river running top to bottom on right and rail bridge running from right to left with entrance to tunnel top left. A road runs down the riverbank from top to bottom. Large crater visible on road just below bridge.…

Reconnaissance photograph showing mostly open countryside. Bottom right shows entrance to railway tunnel with large crater and other craters to the right. On the reverse '15.6.44, WS, G79, 51:92/20'.

Reconnaissance photograph showing open countryside with road running top left to right and another from bottom left to right. On the reverse '15.6.44, WS G 80, 51:92/25'.

Reconnaissance photograph of Saumur tunnel entrance and surrounding area taken on 9 June 1944 after attach with 12,000 lb bombs. Description notes direct hit on roof of entrance to tunnel and two other 100 foot craters on the approach to tunnel. On…

Target photograph showing open countryside with railway line running from top left towards centre. Caption 'W.S., 8/9.6.44,,NT 8", 285 degrees, 0213, Special Target, Z, 1 x 14000, 15 secs, F/O Ross, Z, 617'. On the reverse '51:02/16'.

Target photograph showing open countryside with rali line running top centre to centre. Bomb explosion centre slight below middle to the left of rail line. Caption '100, w.s., 8/9.6.44, NT 8", 312, 0214, Special Target, W, 1 x 14000, 15 secs, S/Ldr…

Target photograph showing open country. Railway line runs top centre curving to bottom centre. Bomb explosion right middle to the right of railway line. Caption '92, W.S., 8/9.6.44, 9,300, 080, 0211, Special Target, V, 1 x 14000, 15 secs, P/O Cheney,…

Target photograph shows bomb explosion left centre. Caption '107, W.S., 8/9.6.44, NT. 8", Special Target, U, 1 x 14000, F/Lt Keans, U, 617'. On the reverse '51:92/13'.

Target photograph shows open countryside. Railway line runs from top centre to middle right, with one leading the Saumur tunnel. Caption '101, W.W., 8/9.6.44, NT8", 324, 0230, Special Target, T, 1 x 14000, 15 secs, F/O Willsher, T, 617'. On the…

Target photograph shows open countryside with line feature running top centre to bottom right. Bomb explosion centre left with tracer tracks along the bottom. Caption 'W.S., 8/9.6.44, N.T. 8, Special Target, Q, 1 x 14000, S/Ldr McCarthy, Q, 617'. On…

Target photograph showing blurred open countryside. Caption ' 102, W.S. 8/9.6.44, N.T. 8, 10500, 329 degrees, 0217, Special Target, Q, 1 x 14000, 15 secs, S/Ldr McCarthy, Q, 617'. On the reverse '51:92/10'.
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