Browse Items (271 total)

  • Spatial Coverage is exactly "France--Le Havre"

A detailed Biography of Reg' service and post service life.

Shows a single bomb load for operation. Details weights, distributor, preselection and false height settings. Shows timings and other detail. On the reverse; marking, safety measures, call signs and timings. Formation order for Waddington,…

Arthur Harris speaks about the reduction of frontline soldiers available to the Germany army, due to the redirection of men to anti-aircraft defences and repairs to the German armament industry, as a result of bombing by the RAF and the 8th USAAF. He…

Observer's and air gunner's flying log book for Sergeant Charlie Darby, air gunner from 22 January 1944 to 16 January 1945. Charlie Darby was stationed at RAF Castle Kennedy and RAF Driffield where he flew Anson, Wellingtons and Halifaxes Mk 2 and 3.…

Specifies date - 14/15 June 1944, target and zero hour 2235 hours. Lists crews with Wing Commander Cheshire leading along with two other markers flying Mosquito and 22 crews flying Lancaster all armed with one Tallboy bomb.

Flying log book for D A MacArthur, navigator, covering the period from 24 April 1944 to 2 August 1944. Detailing his flying training and operations flown. He was stationed at RAF Hemswell and RAF Kirmington. Aircraft flown in was Lancaster. He flew a…

A handwritten account of Don Falgate's tour between 10 September 1944 and 7 April 1945. The account includes his observations and calculations about the percentage of aircraft lost. He carried out a total of 32 day and night-time operations on…

Description of bombing and mine laying operations on targets around Le Havre, Calais, Stettin, Eindhoven, Frankfurt and Pont Rémy during September 1944.

Pilots flying log book for E Olenyn, covering the period from 2 August 1940 to 18 June 1941. Detailing his flying training and operations flown. He was stationed at 15 Elementary Flying School RAF Carlisle, 18 Operational Training Unit RAF Hucknall…

Account of operation against sheltered E-boats in Le Havre harbour. Tasks to assist Navy in their fight against E-boats who were operating against allied invasion forces. States pens would be invulnerable even to 12,000 lb bombs therefore, bombs…
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