Browse Items (6 total)

  • Spatial Coverage is exactly "France--Colombelles"

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Six items covering operations around Caen. The first is Edward's description of the operation, against troop concentrations. The second is his navigation plot. The third is a print of the expected H2S return of the target. Fourth is a collection of…

A newspaper cutting referring to the first daylight 1000 bomber operations. Chris Scrimshaw took part in this attack. It is annotated 'Dad'.

Flying log book extract for A F Hill, navigator, covering the period from 13 April 1944 to 7 August 1944 when he was missing on operations. He was stationed at RAF Warboys and RAF Little Staughton. Aircraft flown in was Lancaster. He flew a total of…

Photograph 1 is of a vertical of Colombelles steel works marshalling yard. Much of the ground is obscured by cloud and bomb explosions. There is a Boston with invasion stripes in the top half of the image. It is annotated '5018 F342 134 22 Jun 44…
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