Browse Items (9 total)

  • Spatial Coverage is exactly "France--Bernay (Eure)"

Three crosses on graves with flowers. Graves of 1312983 F Sgt L F Jackson RAF, 1086977 Sgt J R Luxton RAF, 1600605 Sgt A C Samuel RAF. All dated 1943-08-12.

Description of town and location of cemetery.

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Covers period 28 January 1944 to 4 February 1944. Lists units for long range bombers, long range recce, fighter bomber, twin engine fighters, tactical recce and coastal. Followed by short note of disposition of fighters on western front. Follows a…

Replies to her letter and asks her to pass on to J R Luxton's mother that he will send her the photograph she asked for. Asks that his sympathy be passed on. No need to pay for photograph and member of congregation will see to it.

Marie-Thérèse expresses her thanks for the letter she has received but explains that what she has done for the allied soldiers was simply her way of thanking them; her two sons were able to grow up as a result. She informs them that she has laid…

Reports arrival of friends letter as was deeply touched. Suggests that she deserves no gratitude for looking after graves and laying flowers on them on armistice day.

States that he would like to contribute one pound to the cost of engraving chosen inscription on his son's gravestone.

Writes that they are sending them two photographs of Sgt Luxton's grave at Bernay. Gives some advice to Mrs Luxton how to deal with grief.
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