Browse Items (1930 total)

  • Spatial Coverage is exactly "England--Yorkshire"

Part 2. Writes of his concern over recent air attack on Hull. Discusses Norman's future training and recommends book on aircraft recognition. Catches up with family news.

Writes that he is still managing to get through exams alright. Comments on news that his friend had failed one of his exams at another station and suggests that this was an example where results of exams did not give guidance to a person's…

Writes from Cape Town apologising for missed mail and says that he will miss his weekend visits to the local family he frequented in his previous location. Hopes they are enjoying summer weather and asks for latest family news. Mentions his plans for…

Catches up with latest mail sent/received. Mentions that he has sent food parcels to them. Says he will hand onto photographs rather than risking losing them in the mail. Comments on his satisfactory financial situation.


Reports arrival of latest mail from home and thanks her for birthday greetings. Comments on her and Norman's activities as well as congratulating her on her school results and arranging a reward. Concludes with other gossip.

Says he has passed his exams and will be moving on to another place shortly. Comments on weather and hopes she is encourages her to continue to do well at school. Says he is half way through his time in South Africa with the more important part to go…


Writing to Norman on his birthday and apologises for not writing more often but he had been busy swotting hard to ensure passing exams at first attempt. Comments on exams he had taken and says he was disappointed at the simplicity of the questions.…


Writes that he had lost track of Norman's location as he seemed to have moved every time they were in contact. Catches up with mail sent and received. He compared Norman's flying hours to his own which were less but he would have had more except for…

Apologises for not writing but says he has to spend a lot time studying and had little to spare for letters. Commiserates over Norman being pushed around the country but needed to says that he would find there would be a lot of hanging around. Asked…

Reports arrival of airgram from Norman and was pleased that he had had a few days leave. Catches up with family news from home. Mentions he had passed the first three exams on the course and was waiting for results of the fourth. He would be working…


Notes it is quite a while since he received an airgram form him and wondered if he had started his courses or was still waiting which unfortunately was common at that time. However he said that Norman had done the right thing re-mustering as…

Writes that it was not possible or legal for him to get petrol coupons. Comments on Lewis's latest love life and plans for his next leave. Continues with information on his activities.

Complete history of the aircraft from 1942 to placement in RAF Museum. Delivered to 83 Squadron at RAF Scampton. Lists all flights with crews and provides details of operations and other sorties. First operation was on 8/9 July 1942. Was founder…

Congratulations on award of Distinguished Flying Cross.

This item was sent to the IBCC Digital Archive already in digital form. No better quality copies are available.

Edited transcript. Gives personal details and service history. Enlisted in 1942.Pilot on 1473 Flight and 192 Squadron (100 Group) on Wellingtons. Starts with comments about first posting 1473 Flight which eventually merged with 1474 Flight to become…

For Pilot Officer Wakefield with medical classification fit A1B(N.V.C=). Return to AGSB.

Jim Cahir grew up in Australia. He originally joined the army but later was transferred to the Royal Australian Air Force. He flew operations as a mid upper gunner, with 466 Squadron. His aircraft was shot down and he became a prisoner of war. After…

Keith Campbell grew up in New South Wales and joined the Royal Australian Air Force when he was old enough. He flew 35 operations as a bomb aimer with 466 Squadron from RAF Leconfield and RAF Driffield when, on their 31st operation another aircraft…

Ernest Cutts was born in Mallee in Victoria and, at the age of 15, he passed the Commonwealth Public Service Exam, joining the Military Post Office as a civilian junior postal officer. Aged 18, he enlisted in the Royal Australian Air Force and went…

Colin joined the British Army in December 1941 and, eventually, moved to his preferred Royal Air Force in March 1943. He went to Number 2 Initial Training School at RAAF Bradfield Park in Sydney as a navigator, graduating in February 1944. His first…

Lawrence Larmer was born in Australia in 1920. On leaving school he went to work on the Beaufort aircraft in the Department of Aircraft Production. He was called up in 1942 and volunteered for the Royal Australian Air Force to avoid the army. His…

David was called up in August 1941 and went to the Initial Training School at Victor Harbor. Elementary Flying Training School followed, and he was posted to Parafield, flying Tiger Moths. He then went to the Service Flying Training School at Point…

Because of his dislike of the army, Don enlisted in the Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF). He went to Somers Initial Flying Training School and became a pilot. At Elementary Flying Training School at Western Junction, Don flew Tiger Moths although he…

Notes on locations for Don McDonald's home, training in Australia. Notes people mentioned and scanned documents relating to a leave that Don enjoyed in London and includes a story of the leave written up by the interviewer from his notes which was…
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