Browse Items (1761 total)

  • Spatial Coverage is exactly "England--Yorkshire"

Groom wearing RAF uniform tunic with pilot's brevet and bride cutting wedding cake. On the reverse 'Mum and Fred cake'.

Bride with bouquet and groom wearing uniform tunic with pilot's brevet standing in the middle of a group consisting of other two further couples, both men in RAF uniform. In the background another older couple coming through church door. On the…

Bride and groom, an RAF flight sergeant wearing uniform tunic with pilot's brevet and his bride with a bouquet standing in front of a stone build church. On the reverse 'Fred and Mum, Apr 29 1944 wedding'.

Group of people including three servicemen in uniform including the groom, the bride and two other ladies accompanying the other airmen and two older couples. On the reverse 'Mr Sawyer, Nanna, Audrey Inman, Fred, Mum, Rusty, Margaret (Person) Henty,…

Informs her that in view of the lapse of time and the absence of further news regarding her husband, they must regretfully concludes that he had lost his life.

Left - an RAF officer wearing uniform tunic with pilot's brevet and peaked cap holding a baby in a garden with house in the background.
Right - a woman sitting deck chair holding baby with the same RAF officer standing behind. Note under left…

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Stanley Albert Booker grew up in Chatham in a military environment surrounded with the sort of military paraphernalia he and his young friends found fascinating. He volunteered for the RAF at the earliest opportunity. He trained as a wireless…

Bride and groom in centre with two older couples either side and another two couples (men in uniform) at right and left. All standing in line in front of stone building.

Bride, groom and two other couples. All the men wear RAF uniform tunics with brevet, the ladies skirt suits. Bride holds bouquet.

An RAF flight sergeant wearing uniform tunic with pilot's brevet standing next to his bride wearing skirt suit and holding bouquet. In the background a stone built building.

Top left - bride and groom cutting cake while a seated lady looks on. Groom wearing RAF uniform tunic with pilot's brevet.
Bottom right - large, 15 person wedding party take in front of church. Brides and groom at centre, groom plus two others in…

Top - a long table with wedding cake and other faire being admired by three ladies in a crowd.
Bottom Bride and groom seated behind wedding cake on table in front. Groom wearing RAF uniform tunic with pilot's brevet.

Top - wedding party with bride, groom and two other couples. All three men wearing RAF uniform tunics with brevet and ladies in wedding attire. Bride carries bouquet. All in front of a stone walled building.
Bottom - larger bridal group with the…

Top - A group with groom, an RAF fight sergeant, wearing tunic with pilot's brevet and his bride along with two other servicemen wearing tunics with half brevet and two ladies as well as the bride. Another man an woman in the background, Photo taken…

Blank wedding invitation to marriage of Frederick C A Sawyer to Patricia Goodlad. Guest list written in white ink on album page.

Left - wedding photphgraph with two men - one in uniform the other morning dress - and a bride and bridesmaid with bouquets wearing dresses. Caption refers to wedding of United States servicemen.
Middle - family photograph of man holding baby while…

Incudes personal details, promotions from AC2 to pilot officer, medals, medical classification, inoculations, vaccinations, identity cards issued, will and a list of postings.

View of a Halifax with undercarriage down approaching to land. Two horses in the foreground.

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Top - a letter to Squadron Leader A E Millson DFC from the Air Secretary. Passing compliments to him from Secretary of State concerning a turn at the Albert Hall and on having completed so many sorties.
Bottom - target photograph Courtrai showing…

Under photograph of the seven crew at a north of England station, caption lists names. Back row (l to r) F/O J Hanrahan, bomb aimer Australia, (4) F/O T Topham, navigator, Bradford (44), Sgt W R Docherty, flight engineer, Liverpool (6), Squadron…

Under photograph of the seven crew at a north of England station, caption lists names. Back row (l to r) Flying Officer J Hanrahan, bomb aimer Australia, (4) Flying Officer T Topham, navigator, Bradford (44), Sergeant W R Docherty, flight engineer,…

Under photograph of crew a caption lists members including Flying Officer I J Hartley rear gunner from Folkestone. List includes Flying Officer J Hanrahan, bomb aimer Australia, (4) Flying Officer T Topham, navigator, Bradford (44), Sergeant W R…

Pocklington station magazine with articles about activities from station sections and humorous lines. Includes letters to the editor about goings on and complaints. Articles on welfare and entertainment, church notes, recognition of officer ranks at…

Description of 83 Squadron ground crew reunion for former Bradford airmen at RAF Coningsby. Also covers fifth reunion of 170 Squadron.

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