Browse Items (146 total)

  • Spatial Coverage is exactly "England--Somerset"

From Marion (usually known as Bunny). Thanks him for letter. Describes her job, pastimes and provides a physical description of herself. Writes that she would not like to fly as she would be sick. States she would send photographs in next letter.

Writes about her work at Air Raid Precautions. Hopes her letters had got through. Writes about snow. Continues letter next day and describes her activities. Mentions smoking Turkish cigarettes. Asks what he did in civilian life. Talks a little of he…

A summary of Tom's early life, marriage and service career. Includes a description of his aircraft being shot down over Wetten, with photographs of his caterpillar badge and postcard to his wife confirming he was a prisoner of war and his…

Leading Aircraftsman Richard Moore joined up aged 18 and completed his basic training in Lincolnshire. He served as ground crew at RAF Locking, RAF Squires Gate and RAF Wickenby, working on several types of aircraft. He was able to take the controls…

Harry joined the Royal Australian Air Force on 25 June 1942 as a wireless operator/air gunner, receiving his initial training in Australia before going to Canada for trade training. He sailed on the SS Johan Van Barneve to San Francisco and recalls a…

Thanks her for letter and razor blades. Comments on poor laundry on camp and that he was now using Chinese laundry in Weston and goes on to describe what he has to do. Enquires whether she could obtain enough cash and coupons to get him a good air…

Thanks her for parcel especially the chocolate. Catches up with news and gossip. Mentions passing exams with flying colours. Suggest that he might phone his father but is concerned about cost. Concludes saying he is trying to save cash to pay his…

Thanks her for letter card but says he does not have discs but is not in trouble over them. Comments on recent kit inspection and missing a groundsheet which he probably left at home. Writes about going into Weston and visiting the pier and describes…

Writes about his colleagues going into Weston-super-Mare by bus. Mentions only getting late pass once a week. Writes a little about the local village. Talks about making friends with a French boy and describes him in detail. Writes about selling his…

Thanks her for letter and padlock. Says he was glad he had had a car as the basic training on engines came easily to him unlike many of his course mates. Writes a little about the organisation of the camp and his classes. Mentions classes in hangars,…

Comments journey to RAF Locking and his new accommodation in wooden hut with 75 other men. Writes that he had brought everything apart from his identity discs and asks if they can look for them. Describes the disc to help them look. Also says he…

Apologises for not having written recently. Comments on brothers fountain pens numbers and his activities with cadets. Asks if he had done any live firing yet. Comments on his progress at school and says there is nothing he could get him. Mentions he…

Thanks her for letter and copy of illustrated. Comments on Free French compatriots in answer to her question. Continues with news and gossip. Mentions items he had left behind, describes local village, says he had seen no films and that it was a six…

The telegram wishes happy returns. It is annotated 'Telling us he had been recommended for a commission'. There is a post-it note with 'Join up. 17 Oct 1942. [indecipherable] birthday?'.

Completed 13 operations on 408 Squadron. Comments that he did not complete his tour as the war ended. Mentions first operation was to Bremen and last to Heligoland. Comments on his Canadian crew and mentions names and ranks, Covers his training…

Richard Wensley’s Royal Air Force Flying Log Book as Flight Engineer from 27th June 1943 until 28th September 1946. Posted to 1657 Conversion Unit and then 214 Squadron for operations. In November 1943 posted back to 1657 Conversion Unit.…

Top left - shows Lancaster with Zola nose art and crew standing in front. Account of permission to use artwork for nose art and mention of operations.
Top right - Taunton officer wins DFC. Awarded to Squadron Leader Denis Clyde-Smith. Citation…
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