Browse Items (209 total)

  • Spatial Coverage is exactly "England--Manchester"

From W A Clayton apologising for not writing and giving reasons. Hopes he is well and getting some enjoyment from life and that he will be home soon. Catches up with news about someone in the air force and other news of family and acquaintances.

From M H Grundy mentions that he had seen Douglas's family and told them that he had received mail from Douglas and allowed them to read them. Continues with news of blitz on Manchester and his going to cinema as first visit since the bombing. Asks…

From Mildred H Grundy writes pleased to receive his letter and notes that it was a long time in transit. Writes of her activities including fire watching and her job. Writes of putting clocks back and having to go to bed earlier. mentions Queen's…

News-sheet of the RAF ex-POW Association. This edition covers the large Canadian reunion of 1985 at Calgary, the Annual Dinner at Lords, Recco report of ex-POW activities, requests for help, Alan Bryett's lectures, the Association's AGM and annual…

Writes about others who have written to him. Mentions letter from Red Cross with his correct address. Looked up El Kef in library. Red Cross had been very kind to help them keep in touch. Investigating whether he can receive newspapers which the post…

Says both are well. Sent care of American consul Tunis

Describes visit to Manchester and catches up with news of friends. Talks of trying to arrange for books to be sent to him without success. Wonders whether it is worth it as would take so long to get there. Only 10 weeks to Christmas, hopes time will…

Acknowledges previous cable. Mentions returning from visit to Manchester on lovely autumn day.

Reports arrival of cable from him but a little puzzled by content but glad for news. Writes about her latest cable. Mentions father's visit to Cable and Wireless in Manchester to arrange for him to send cable through them and they will pay. Mentions…

Reports receipt of letter and telegram which took six days to reach them. Mentions sending another cable and quotes content and explains how his cables will now be paid for. Says she will try and send items he requested in next Red Cross parcel. Says…

A letter from Terry Ford to his family, where he writes the training for flying–boats takes 18 months – 2 years. The hut has had to be fumigated after Clem Fletcher reported with mumps. He was hoping to see ‘Dubarry was a lady’ at the Opera…

Part of letter written while visiting Skipton and describes activities. Mentions visit to Manchester and buying gloves. Includes are some fern cuttings.

Letter from manager at Jaffe and Sons Ltd mentioning ex work colleagues from prewar employer. Many had now left and were in the forces. Asks how he likes Algeria. Mention fund raised by members of the company to send comfort to members of staff who…

Terry Ford was disappointed that he did not get a chance to go solo as, due to bad weather, he made poor landings. He had 7 days leave approaching.

Letter from Terry Ford to his parents telling them of his life on camp and that he is still waiting to hear his classification result. He has sent some laundry home as the camp does not have laundry facilities.

Letter from Terry Ford to his parents letting them know that he has been classified as a u/t pilot, and the new intake has arrived.

Terry Ford writes to his parents about his social life.

Terry writes to his family about his work and leisure time.

Terry Ford writes home describing aspects his service, personal and social life.

Transcript of broadcast 8 June 1942 in Manchester at 8.30pm. Tells of making model aircraft when he was a youngster and taking an interest in work of the Wright brothers, Codey, Roe and others. Relates when 18 getting to know A V Roe and joining him…

Workforce consisting a large group of men and women sitting and standing outside a large brick building. Some men are wearing suits and others working clothes and aprons. In the building are three arched doorways and above these a row of windows. On…

View through gateway of a multi-story brick building with rows of windows on each floor and a chimney in the centre. In courtyard behind gates in front of building two cars and a lorry are parked. On the right gatepost a sign indicating Brownsfield…

Biplane registered E4360 in water just out from beach. One man by starboard wing and another behind. Several men and one woman walking on the beach in front. On the reverse 'On Douglas Sands Isle of Man, an Avro 504K floatplane of the Avro Transport…

Row of brick built two and thee story factory buildings running left to right. In the distance on left a tower. Caption 'by courtesy - photo A. V. Roe & Co Ltd, A V Roe & Co Ltd Park Works, Newton Heath, Manchester from 1915 - about 1938 ?'.

Inside large factory with partially build aircraft. In front uncovered wing spars. In the background some completed aircraft. On the reverse 'Avro's Hamble, Southampton in W. W. 1, A V Roe & Co Ltd 1917 - 1928 here as Experimental Station , main…
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