Browse Items (82 total)

  • Spatial Coverage is exactly "England--Grimsby"

Letter number 26. Writing letter on a warm afternoon. Thanks them for their letter and for sending suitcase. Discusses financial matters. Continues with other gossip and family news. Writes he was not on duty again that evening and that it was…

Letter number 27. Starting letter which he would finish next day. Retrieved his suitcase and brought it back on his bicycle. Mentions course in his future and that leave has been altered again. Question of which would come first, leave or finishing.…

Letter number 28. Mentions receiving letters. Says no point going into town as will be too crowded. Discusses suitcase and his future and states that when he finishes he will have done his bit. Catches up with news and mentions leave coming up.

Letter number 29. Thanks them for letter and mentions time mail takes. Catches up with news and talks of leave plans and nearly finished.

Last letter before coming home on leave. Says he will be home tomorrow but does not know time. Writes that he will do clearing and be ready for posting after leave. Will celebrate when he gets home and will bring his cheque book.

The story of John Martin's last operation, how he was shot down, escaped the aircraft and was captured. He was interrogated at Dulag Luft in Frankfurt then transferred to various Stalg Luft camps. His story covers episodes in his life until he was…

Kenneth Done recalls his service in the RAF as a Wireless Operator in Air Sea Rescue. During school, he joined the Cadet Corps, where he reached the rank of Company Sergeant Major. He applied for the RAF, hoping to be a Fighter Pilot but after being…

George volunteered to be a pilot but settled for Air Observer. He talks about his selection and training in London and then in Stratford-upon-Avon, where he enjoyed the theatre and how, at Brighton, illness separated him from the rest of the course.…

Geoff was born and lived in the same area of Grimsby all his life, at the date of his interview he was 93. The first part of the interview concentrated on his experience of finding a German butterfly bomb close to his home. Geoff described how, after…

Fay Price was nine at the outbreak of the Second World War, living in Grimsby. She and her twin were the youngest of six siblings. Her memory of the start of the war was the ending of birthday parties. Her father was a fish merchant and was able to…

Dorothy was born in Cleethorpes. Her father had served in the Army during the First World War. They moved to Grimsby at the outbreak of the war, when she was turning 13 years old. She recalls the bombings and having to stay in an Anderson air raid…

Brian Hutson was a child during the war. He remembers his father, who worked on building airfields and delivering air raid shelters. He also recalls his childhood, sleeping in a shelter and listening to aircraft, air raids, blackouts, playing with…

Relates early life and employment before the war. Was RAF reserve and was called up at beginning of the war. Mentions training including operational training unit before joining 9 Squadron. Includes letter describing in some detail his first…

Harold Jack Lazenby's autobiography.

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Three items from an album.
Item 1 is an envelope addressed to Daphne from Victor.
Item 2 is a cutting referring to Victor being shot down over Germany.
Item 3 is a cutting about the transfer of mail to prisoners during the war.

Captioned 'Mother and Dad by side of Police House, Grimsby. Date unknown.'

Captioned ''Kenwood' 22 Devonshire Ave, Grimsby, Lincs. My home from approx 1929 - 1930 to 1941. Dad bought the house new when he retired around 1930.'

Captioned 'Mother, Dad (in the uniform of superintendent of the County Police, Grimsby, Lincs.) Elsie (my younger sister) and my brother Robert. Picture taken about 1918.

Captioned 'Self with yo-yo (on a string) in back garden of 22 Devonshire Ave.'

Captioned 'Self (wearing cap) with brother Robert and sister Elsie in back garden of 22 Devonshire Avenue, Grimsby. Photo about 1931.'

Captioned 'Self between sister Elsie and mother. Leslie Robinson in the background, Elsie's husband and dog 'Boy' Photo at Police House, Grimsby, about 1928.'


Three young men receiving trophies from elderly lady standing behind trestle table, school children in the background. Signature on reverse. Captioned 'St James annual sports meeting 1st June 1938. Being presented with long jump cup - also won two of…


Captioned 'From left to right, brother Robert, sister Elsie, self, mother, Leslie (Elsie's husband). In back garden of 22 Devonshire Ave, Grimsby . Photo around 1929, 1930'
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