Browse Items (107 total)

  • Spatial Coverage is exactly "England--Derbyshire"

Group wedding portrait. Sergeant George Wilson is in civilian clothes, there are three women in bridesmaid’s dresses and a younger girl, also dressed as a bridesmaid.

Additional information about this item has been kindly provided by the donor.

Certified copy of an entry of marriage on 21 March 1942 between George William Wilson, 23, Batchelor of 181 Heage Road, Ripley and Constance Irene Wright, 21, Spinster of The Croft, Dimple Head, Crich at The Parish Church, Parish of Crich, County of…

Frederick Cole grew up in Derby and was studying for a degree when he joined the Royal Air Force. He met his wife at an RAF dance during the war. He completed his degree after the war and had a career with Rolls Royce.

Steven Downes grew up in Australia and worked as a wages clerk before he volunteered for the Royal Australian Air Force. He arrived in the UK and, after spending some time in Brighton, he was posted to RAF Church Broughton and then RAF Bottesford.…

George ‘Johnny’ Johnson was the bomb aimer in a Lancaster AJ-T flown by Joe McCarthy during operation Chastise 16th of May 194. He discusses the attack on the dams and the events before and after the attack. He describes training over the Derwent…

Peter Lamprey writes about life whilst based at Church Broughton, including the deaths of airmen in crashes, frustration at not flying and his social life including a visit to Derby. He concludes with banter about acquaintances also in the military.

Pete Lamprey writes about his life whilst stationed at Royal Air Force Church Broughton. He is angry at the amount of Royal Air Force disorganization and the long walk to any of the nearest towns for social activity.

Peter Lamprey starts his letter with some banter and then mentions the weather had precluded flying and he had a great night out in Derby. He then make some comments about past flying before concluding with more banter.

Peter Lamprey writes that he is extremely ‘browned off’ with the lack of information on the heavy conversion course he is supposed to do. He concludes with some comments to friends.

Peter Lamprey writes that has moved RAF stations again and has only flown once on an air-test since arriving. He notes that the station has a good mess and food but that it’s a long way to the nearest town.

Ernie Twell's death certificate

A newspaper cutting with a photograph of Group Captain Tait, Mrs Twells, Mr Twells, Councillor Wilson and Mrs Wilson. The 617 Squadron Association were presented with a silver salver by Derbyshire County Council.

A newspaper cutting announcing that Ernie Twells and the 617 squadron association will attend a presentation at Matlock. It describes the attempts made to sink the Tirpitz. Handwritten at the top is 'Long Eaton Advertiser 10/11/77'.

David Bowker joined the Air Force and was originally training to be a wireless operator / air gunner but remustered as a pilot. He discusses rudder lock on early versions of Halifax. Jacqueline Bowker his wife, discusses her life during the war and…

William Coulton was born in Derbyshire and worked as an errand boy for the Co-Op until he joined the Royal Air Force in 1943, aged 18. He trained as a flight mechanic and was posted to 115 Squadron at RAF Witchford where he worked on Lancasters. He…

Syd Marshall grew up in Lincolnshire and was working as an engineering apprentice when he decided to volunteer for the RAF. He asked initially to train to be a pilot but when the basis of his apprenticeship became clear it was inevitable he would be…

Dick was from a farming background and joined the Royal Air Force in 1944. After going to Bedford, he was sent to Lord’s cricket ground. Those passing as a pilot went to a flying school near Coventry to be assessed for pilot training on a Tiger…

Max was born in Beaufort, Victoria and grew up on his parents’ dairy farm. Gaining a scholarship led to him becoming a student teacher and attending training college. He was called up when he was 18 and applied to become a reserve in the Air Force,…

Postcard from Roy Chadwick to Rosemary Chadwick at St Elphin's school hoping that she is feeling better. On the front a painting of a schoolboy sitting on a bench seat in a railway carriage. Title 'Is my journey really necessary?'.

Note to go with identity card. Mentions he was at Air Ministry until late and had to drive home. Hope she will not get German Measles. Talks of visits and meetings and flying in the turbine driven Lincoln.

Mentions thaw has set in but blizzard reported raging in Yorkshire. Wonders what conditions were like in Derbyshire. Catches up with family and enquires after school activities. Parcel with apples and oranges on the way and congratulates on…

Recounts recent correspondence and food parcels. Talks of school activities and effects of bad snow conditions. Catches up with family news and events. Plain postcard with address to St Elphin's School on front.

Thanks for letters and glad settled at school. Talks of clothes and food sent. Enquires about life at school and mentions hard work required for exams. Talks of weather and family activities and successes with laying chickens.
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