Browse Items (505 total)

  • Spatial Coverage is exactly "Egypt"

A bride, in a suit and hat, and groom, in uniform, sit in front of nine uniformed men and one woman.

On the reverse, 'Trevor Blewitt behind bride' and 'To Trev from Bill & Margaret Cairo March 1940'.

Left: A building with arches and a domed roof and towers with a man walking along a road.
Right: A church behind a hedge with narrow spires at its corners with a cross and statue on the apex of the pitched facade. A man leads a donkey pulling a cart…

Left: A multi storey building with an ornate tower with various openings and statues.
Right: Looking across a shaded courtyard to a three storey, flat roofed, building with arched openings at each level.

Top: The facade of the museum with the dome on the roof and steps leading to arches onto to a colonnade.

Bottom: Inside a double storey room with columns supporting the arched gallery above. Various statues are standing on plinths in the open…

Top: Four men in civilian clothes stand alongside cut stones and a carving of five faces.
Bottom: Two men, one with a pipe in his mouth, crouch on the ground in front of a wire mesh fence. Beyond is an area of scrub and trees.

Left: View of a pyramid.
Right: Trevor standing next to cut stones and in front of a stone carved with five faces.

Top: Trevor stands in front of The Great Sphinx with other features beyond.
Bottom: A wider view of the Giza Necropolis with The Great Sphinx in the foreground.

Top: Five men in civilian clothes standing in front of The Great Sphinx.
Bottom: Aerial view of an archaeological site with a square, open roofed structure. A stepped pyramid is in the foreground. There is a road and town to the left.

Top: The Great Pyramid of Giza (Pyramid of Khufu) showing the entrance at ground level.
Bottom: Trevor, in civilian clothes standing in front of a pyramid.

Left: Inside cover
Right page:
Top: The Great Sphinx in front of a view of the Great Pyramid of Giza (Pyramid of Khufu) at the Gixs Necropolis.
Bottom: Detail of the stone blocks making up a pyramid on which three men stand.

Details of Trevor's family, his early years and marriage to Phyllis. Details his sporting interests, decorations awarded and courses attended.

Personal information and details of Trevor's early years, family life, career in the Royal Air Force and later employment with Clayton Dewandre Ltd. Includes prayers and readings from the bible.

Includes photograph of Lancaster crews just back after striking Rommel's Africa Corps. Continued article mentions some details of France seen on route to Milan and conditions over the target. Map shows operations to Italy and attacks in North Africa.

A navigation chart of Cairo including the delta and the Red Sea.

Side view of a Bombay with letter 'Q' parked on a desert airfield. Submitted with caption 'Bombay Q 216 Sqn El Khanka, Kabrit 1941 for Long Range Desert Group [GuySharp]'. Additional information kindly provided by the donor.

Sid view of a Blenheim crashed in the desert. Submitted with caption 'Blenheim IV Z7509 45 Sqn Fuka 30 Sep 41 Guy Sharp]'. Additional information kindly provided by the donor. A Wellington can be seen in the background.

Six aircrew wearing a variety of flying clothing standing in line in front of a Wellington. Submitted with caption '70 sqn IC at Kabrit autumn '41, Guy Sharp 2nd left [Guy Sharp]'. Additional information kindly provided by the donor.

Five aircrew, wearing tunics with brevet, standing on deck of ship. Submitted with caption 'HMS Bonaventure en-route Malta & Alexandria to join 148 Sqn, Len Hayter 2nd right [June Leese]'. Additional information kindly provided by the donor.

Hand drawn map showing detail of Persian Gulf and large scale of Middle East and India with routes.

Letter describes the challenges and problems of taking an ex-RAF Liberator that had been handed to the Indian Air Force at the end of the war and had now been donated back to the RAF for exhibition in museum. Details all the engineering work to get…

Nine photographs from an album.
#1 a row of Vampires
#2is of the River Nile at Kafr Halawa.
#3 is the church at RAF Shallufa.
#4 is an oblique aerial view of the Thames, London with the Isle of Dogs at the bottom.
#5 is the entrance to RAF…

Nine photographs from an album.
#1 is the front of a Lincoln being refuelled.
#2 is the church at RAF Shallufa.
#3 is a DC4 of Air France at Marseilles.
#4 is five men sunbathing with another man, in uniform, standing behind.
#5 is a SE200…
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