Four photographs from an album.
Photo 1 is four airmen under the nose of Dakota. In the notes they are identified as 'Les, Fleck, Ernie & Butch under the "Durham Star" at Bangkok'.
Photo 2 is three airmen identified in the notes as 'Alf, a…
Four photographs from an album.
Photo 1 is of Ernie and Butch at the Peak
Photo 2 is Dennis at the Peak
Photo 3 and 4 are of junks in the harbour at Hong Kong.
Four photographs from an album.
Photo 1 is the Arlington Hotel, where aircrew stay in Hong Kong.
Photo 2 is mainland Hong Kong, Kowloon, with the aerodrome in the background.
Photo 3 is the Japanese war memorial on the hills behind Hong…
Three photographs from an album.
Photo 1 is two images combined of the harbour looking to the east from the Peak.
Photo 2 is the harbour from the Peak.
Photo 3 is a warship in the harbour.
Hong Kong mainland seen from the air. On the reverse 'Hong Kong mainland from the air with the drome just visible in the background. This part of the mainland is called Kowloon - Hong Kong itself is an island behind us when I took the photo.'
A leopard tied with a rope to a post. It is being watched by several men, civilian and military.
A second photo shows the leopard from a different angle.
Three airmen sitting on a jeep watched by a fourth man. Behind is a brick building with a large sign stating 'Royal Air Force' and a small sign stating 'Passenger & Flight Section'.
On the reverse is 'Kun Min China'.
Nine photographs from an album.
#1 is the Kowloon Ferry terminal, Hong Kong.
#2 is Mena Camp, Cairo with a pyramid behind.
#3, 4 and 5 are roads and forests.
#6 is a waitress with two plates of food.
#7 is some children, sitting.
#8 and 9 are…
Pages of recognition handbook of British aircraft tabbed national markings Mid & Far East including Egypt, Iraq, Persia (Iran), China (Service and Civil), Japan and Japan (Manchukuo).