Browse Items (29 total)

  • Spatial Coverage is exactly "Alberta--Red Deer Region"

Pilots flying log book two for A E Biscoe, covering the period from 3 August 1942 to 28 February 1945. Detailing his flying training, Instructor duties and operations flown. He was stationed at RCAF Estevan, RCAF Trenton, RCAF Penhold, RCAF Pearce,…

Top left - formation of five Boulton Paul Overstrands airborne in line abreast. Captioned 'BP Overstrands'.
Top right - view across open ground of two, two storey buildings. Captioned 'Penhold 1941'.
Bottom left - view of four Oxford aircraft…


Top left - an airman wearing tunic and side cap standing by a doorway. Captioned 'Jock Ross, Calgary'.
Bottom right - an Oxford parked on airfield with fuel bowser in front. Behind left a control tower. Captioned 'Penhold, Oct 1942'.

Flight Sergeant Archibald Steele’s Flying Log Book as a pilot and flight engineer from 20th April 1943 to 10th September 1945. Flying training started with 19 Elementary Flying Training School then at 12 and 36 Service Flying Training Schools in…

Five photographs and one newspaper cutting from an album.
Photos 1, 2 and 3 are of the cake.
Photo 4 and 5 are the party guests grouped outside.
Item 1 is the newspaper cutting briefly describing his birthday party.

Photos 1, 2 and 3 show his bed, table and chest of drawers. The walls are covered with mementos.

Top - town street scene with buildings either side. Captioned 'Bowden'.
Bottom - view of town in snow from airborne aircraft. Captioned 'Bowden from a Tiger'.

Aerial view of Bowden Railway Station with grain elevators.

Identification kindly provided by Frank Schilder.

Top - three children seated at table with clown crouched between two of them. Table has cups, saucers, plates and Christmas decorations. Captioned 'Kiddies party RAF Penhold, Xmas 1941'.
Bottom - large group of children seated at 'u' shaped table…

Pilots flying log book one, for H J Wylde, covering the period from 11 December 1942 to 19 April 1943. Detailing his flying training. He was stationed at 32 Elementary Flying Training School RCAF Bowden and 32 Servcie Flying Training School RCAF…

Writes about his boxing match and playing rugby. Mentions weather, low temperatures and recent snow blizzard. Expresses that he is not impressed with Canada and has little news to report. Catches up with home news and reports that he is getting on…

Photos 1 and 2 are starboard side views of a flying Oxford.

Top left - two airmen, one sitting at desk working on papers and the other standing behind him. Window on the right. Captioned 'Ginger Newlands and Jock Mitchell, M.T. section Penhold'.
Top right - a man crouching in a doorway surrounded by three…

Snow covered landscape with grain elevator with 'National' on two sides in the centre. Trees to the right and a lower building on the left.

Tentative identification kindly provided by Frank Schilder.

The Penhold Log. Contains many articles including account of trip to United States, station headquarters notes, how Canada became British, boys in the RAF, a cyclist memories, entertainment news, sporting activities (photograph of athletics team),…

Title 'Red Deer River'
Top right - view of river in a valley running bottom left to top right.
Top right - view of river from bank.
Bottom left - river running through valley.
Bottom right - view of valley with trees in foreground.

Pilots flying log book one for R W Bartlett, covering the period from 10 December 1940 to 30 September 1943. Detailing his flying training and instructor duties. He was stationed at 4 Elementary Flying Training School RAF Brough, 8 Service Flying…

No 36 Service Flying Training School. RAF Penhold, Christmas dinner menu for 1942. Includes several signatures and named 'Sgt Price A.P'. at top. On the reverse, many more signatures.

Photos 1 and 2 are snow clearing at the airfield.
Photo 3 is the snow-covered house where Arthur spent Christmas.

Top left - man putting shot with spectators behind.
Top middle - man putting shot with spectators behind.
Top right - man running past spectators lining track.
Bottom left - man putting shot with spectators behind.
Bottom middle - line of men on…

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A long bar from centre right to middle left with people sitting at bar stools. Captioned 'The Canteen Bowden'.

A magazine with details of theatrical activities, station personalities, cinema personalities, dogs, notes and news about ENSA, forthcoming shows, the choir and sport, station discussion group, news from home, a bad weather Sunday, cinema notes,…
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