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  • Spatial Coverage is exactly "Tunisia"

Writes that he was pleased to get a letter from Red Cross at Geneva informing him that his name had been forwarded to the prisoner of war information bureau in London and that they would inform his parents of his address. Mentions he has written…

Hopes that they had received his first letter telling them he was well and interned at Le Kef. Writes of his daily activities and that there is plenty of English reading material available. Recalls his fathers recent birthday and send greetings.…

Writing from Tunisia that he is perfectly well as are the others. He is keeping letter simple in order not to write anything that may prevent the letter being delivered. Mentions the current climate and availability of grapes, figs, olives and…

From auntie Gladys and cousin Eileen. Happy that he is safe and well. Writes of families daily activities and news including recent educational success and remarks that that John is in the air force.

From auntie Gladys and written by cousin Eileen. Relieved that he was safe and well. Writes of her and family activities and news as well. Mentions visit to Edinburgh while on leave and comments that grandfather is looking old.

From aunt Dorothy writes that she is delighted to know he is safe and well and recounts her activities over Christmas. Speculates about fruit in his location and compares it to prices at home. Hopes he will be released soon.

Cutting 1. Headlines: final axis collapse in Tunisia, all organised resistance at an end, mounting total of prisoners now 150,000, von Arnim captured. Cutting 2. Headlines: a great victory acclaimed, the King's congratulations to General Eisenhower,…

Cutting 1. Headlines: 50,000 prisoners taken in Tunisia, three German divisional commanders, Luftwaffe withdrawn from battle, resistance breaking up. Cutting 2. Headlines: Cape Bon peninsular blockaded, intense activity by the navy, aircraft attack…

Article 1. The Times headlines: Tunis and Bizerta captured, official announcement of allied victory, relentless bombing by allied aircraft. Article 2. The Observer headlines: Fleeing Germans chased towards Cape Bon, British tanks aim to cut line of…

Article 1. Headlines: Kairouan and Sousse occupied, eighth army pressing on through minefields, unflagging air offensive, no respite for retreating enemy. Article 2. Headlines: signs of German internal crisis, but hard military task is probably still…

Article headlines: eighth army's new victory, 500 guns blast hole in Akarit defences, infantry's overwhelming assault, junction with American forces. Cutting headlines: eighth army in close pursuit, nearly 10,000 prisoners taken, northern attack…

Article 1. Headlines: Rommel's army cut in two, armoured forces trapped, heavy casualties in efforts to break out, constant allied air attacks. Article 2. Headlines: Darlan answers questions, French navy to join allies, desire for unity. Mentions…

Article 1. Headlines: the viceroy's term, Lord Linlithgow caries on, another six months, a record period. Concerns Lord Linlithgow remaining viceroy to India. Article 2. Headlines: Darlan a danger to allies, general Catroux's attack, non…

Article 1. Headlines: big Russian push on Moscow front, Soviet troops advance 20 miles over wide area, 10,000 Nazis die, five divisions routed: 300 localities liberated. Article 2. Headlines: Tunisia: Germans on defensive, forces await British push…

Article 1. Headlines: Sir S Cripps leaves the war cabinet, now minister of aircraft production, promotion for Mr H Morrison, Mr Eden to lead House of Commons, Col Stanley colonial secretary. Notes appointments by the King. Article 2. Headlines:…

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Article 1. Headlines: 'Great Tunisia clash near, allied troops advancing on Bizerta, RAF blitz on axis aerodromes', Article 2. 'Soviet preparing for winter drive, enemy driven from Caucasus height'. Article 3. Headlines: 'Heaviest raid on Italy, RAF…

Article 1. Headlines: parachute troops deep in Tunisia, clearing the way for first army, Mekili occupied by General Montgomery's forces, axis takes to open desert, Article 2. Headlines: German defeat in central Caucasus, many tanks abandoned,…

Article 1. Headlines: Geraud leads French fight in Tunisia, allies racing to his support, paratroops in vanguard, British first army advances. general Giraud who escaped from Vichy France is reported to be leading French garrison fighting German…


Article. Headlines: recapture of Tobruk, Sollum and Bardia also occupied by eighth army, troop-carriers filled with Germans shot down in sea mentions six large aircraft shot down flying north from Tunisa, pace of pursuit 130 miles in two days. Sketch…

Article 1. Headlines: German troops occupy Vichy France, armistice agreement at end, Hitler's message to Pétain, defence against imminent allied attack. German forces enter unoccupied France to defend against allied attack. Article2. Headlines;…

Twin engined Wellington taking off. In the distance are hills. On the reverse 'Pax taking off in B at Kairouan'.


Front page of military newsheet, Series 10 Issue 1. Two cents. Covering world wide military activity. Leading articles cover advances by the allied forces in North Africa and Russian successes in the East. Shorter reports on attacks on the Japanese…


A commemorative poster with a map of Southern Europe and North Africa. Around the outside is a list of locations where operations were carried out. There is a paragraph with details of the operations.


A meteorological report for a route from Tunis to Maison B.
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