Browse Items (42 total)

  • Spatial Coverage is exactly "Spain"

A ticket for a dance at the British-American Club. On the reverse is the word 'Paint'. He has to find the lady with the word 'Brush' on her ticket.

Additional information about this item has been kindly provided by the donor.

Two oblique aerial photographs .
Photo 1 is of Valetta, captioned 'Ex "Fair Isle" Malta'.
Photo 2 is La Linea, captioned ' Ex "Spanex" La Linea'. Annotated on the image is 'P204 RAF A5 10 Oct 59 Z 678 S/L Jarmy Rest D'.

This item was sent to the…

Map showing air route from England to Aachen then escape route through Belgium, France, Spain, Gibraltar and back to Pembroke Dock and London. Top left - badge of Comète with aircraft in flames and star on blue background.

Menu for three and four course meals at a bodega in Rioja Spain. Handwritten notes on the reverse.

Certificate de Domicile, identity photograph, one peseta banknote and a photograph of a man wearing beret and overcoat in the doorway of a brick building. Captioned 'My forged ID, poly photo, my kit and "una peseta" note for the tram fare into Sn…


Describes events leading up to and including Jack Newton's last operation before crash landing in Belgium. Lists his crew and gives account of their attempts at evasion, meeting with Belgian helpers, moving to various safe houses and Jack Newton's…

Includes photographs of twelve squadron officers, the crashed aircraft, some of the crew, Jack and Mary Newton and Sgt R D Porteous. Recounts the last sortie of the crew to Aachen when they had to jettison their bombs, an engine caught fire and they…

Postcard to Rona Hays from her father. He writes thanking her for the sweets she sent and telling her he is going to Cannes for a week.

Postcard to Rona Hay from her father. He explains to her that in Spain they use oxen to plough the fields rather than horses.

Postcard to Mrs J. V. Hay from her husband telling of going into Spain and spending a few hours there where they were well received by the locals.

Noted not to be produced in public; a list of phrases in German, Spanish, French and Dutch.


Labels for Arthur and Hilegard Pearce, including an address 'British Consulate, Duquesa de Parcent 8, Malaga 217571'.
Stencilled and written on the back of a Fortuna Cigarette packet.

Escape map covering southern France, north Spain, part of Italy and Switzerland. Post-it note 'Photo of rare rice paper escape map RAF WWII'.


The report describes how Ron Carr and his crew baled out over Switzerland after their aircraft was badly damaged by anti-aircraft fire en route to Augsburg. He was arrested but eventually transported back to the UK via Paris, Madrid and Gibraltar.

Eddie Worsdale was working as a furniture salesman in Wellington, New Zealand after the Depression era curtailed his education. His brother volunteered for the New Zealand Air Force and so Eddie followed him. After initial training, he continued his…

A diary kept by LC Pipkin and subtitled Bomber Command, London. It records his time after baling out of aircraft after a fighter attack. He managed to evade capture and reached Spain.

A biography of Bill written by his flying colleague from Bomber Command. It covers his war and post-war activities.

General Adolph Galland remembers his early life and subsequent career as a Luftwaffe pilot. Recounts various episodes: flying gliders as a young boy; changes in Luftwaffe fighting tactics during the Spanish civil war; the Luftwaffe refraining from…

Alfie Martin was born near Belfast in 1920. He applied for the Air Force but his mother was worried about the dangers and so he withdrew his application. He joined the army and when the RAF advertised for soldiers to transfer the RAF he volunteered.…

Harrison Cammish was born in Scarborough in 1923, and when he was fourteen, he became an apprentice carpenter and joiner, and when war broke out, he joined the Air Training Corps, and the Home Guard, who gave him a rifle and forty rounds of…

Eight page, Italy edition of the newspaper containing articles from various operational theatres and from home.
Page 1 headline is: 'Bombs Rain On Japan From 1,600 U.S. Planes'
Page 2 first article is titled: 'Nuremberg Likely For Trial Of…

Bob Frost flew on a night operation on 16/17 September 1942 as a rear gunner on Wellington BJ877, 150 Squadron, from RAF Snaith. Before reaching the target at Essen, the aircraft was hit by anti-aircraft fire and the port engine was damaged. He…
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