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  • Spatial Coverage is exactly "Libya--Tobruk"

Sub headlines: perimeter breached by air and tank attack, defenders determined resistance, Bardia reported in enemy hands. Article contains account of fall of Tobruk to German forces on 21 June 1942. States 25000 prisoners and German forces in Bardia…

First partial article: after Bir Hakem account of recent activity in desert campaign mentioning German tank tactics. 27-mile perimeter, mentioning that Tobruk was indefensible against really determined attack, Second article. British losses in…

Three articles about reprisals against British prisoners of war if German prisoners are fettered. Claims that Germans captured at Dieppe were chained. First: More British prisoners to be chained, fiercer German threats, Italians join the plot,…

Article. Headlines: recapture of Tobruk, Sollum and Bardia also occupied by eighth army, troop-carriers filled with Germans shot down in sea mentions six large aircraft shot down flying north from Tunisa, pace of pursuit 130 miles in two days. Sketch…

Article 1. Headlines: parachute troops deep in Tunisia, clearing the way for first army, Mekili occupied by General Montgomery's forces, axis takes to open desert, Article 2. Headlines: German defeat in central Caucasus, many tanks abandoned,…

Article stating that men aged 30, 31 and 32 were expected to register for military service in July 1940. Other headlines: RAF again bomb Italian base at Tobruk, Britain to take 3100 U.S. planes, sentry shoots, invasion soon: a Berlin report. Article…

A vertical aerial photograph of an enemy ship captioned 'BA.40.NT.20/21/10/42. 8" -->7000.3203.N.2445.E'.

Map showing Mediterranean Sea and surrounding countries. Provides a history of of the group who provided the only mobile force of heavy bombers in the Mediterranean theatre. Wellington, Halifax and B-24 acted as a tactical force attacking…

Menu with bomber aircraft at top and three squadrons named - title 16 days middle east. Several named Mediterranean towns. Signatures on the reverse.

An obituary published in the Times with a second cutting with a correction from an air vice-marshal.
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