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  • Spatial Coverage is exactly "Italy--Po River Valley"

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Telegram No. 869 from the Swiss Government to the Swiss Legation in London (A. 3465), concerning the violation of Swiss airspace on 12/13 August 1943, between 11.30pm – 12.00pm by over 50 British aircraft en route to Milan. Regions affected were…


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Telegram No. 809 from the Swiss Government to the Swiss Legation in London (E. 6563), concerning the violation of Swiss airspace on 15th August 1943 (with additional references to the 12/13 July 1943 incident) when Royal Air Force bombers en route to…


Angelo Bernabe is requested to report to the local housing board headquarter to speak with a lawyer.

Travel permit issued to Paolo Troglio by the 'Italia' partisan brigade. It allows him to travel freely to Milan and asks other partisan groups to provide support.


Man holding a young dog.
Paolo Troglio, casually dressed although wearing a uniform hat and heavy boots, cradling a puppy in his arms. He is standing outside a building . On the reverse: 'Milano 22-12-42' and 'E 453'.


Five men are around a donkey drawn cart, one seated on it holding the reins, while another has placed a hat on the donkey's head. Captioned: 'Torino. Ponte Gran Madre. 31-03-39. Valentino Periani Battaglia Venezia Troglio'


Angelo Bernabè is awarded Lire 12,700 as compensation for wartime damage of his belongings.


Pilot Officer Mieczysław Stachiewicz's RAF Pilot’s Flying Log Book from 11 June 1941 to 21 November 1942 detailing his training and operations as a pilot. He was stationed at RAF Peterborough (No. 25 (Polish) Elementary Flying Training School),…

The document lists the subtenants at Via Valtellina n. 50, Milan: Bernabè Angelo, Lucini Maria, Bernabè Angela.

Giulio Troglio is worried about the long silence of his on Paolo Troglio while he's held at Nidda prisoner of war camp in Germany. The situation is difficult to endure for mother who worries a lot. Stresses the difficulty of send him parcels, hopes…

Giulio Troglio complains that his son Paolo hasn’t send news in the last 50 days and urges him to write and to share his service number; otherwise messages and parcels can’t be delivered to Oberchessen camp. Stresses how worried all family…

Tullio Magnani remembers his wartime years in the Pavia province. Although his father was blacklisted as a subversive communist, he did not have any trouble at school. He recounted his role as a young resistance helper smuggling food rationing…

Tito Samorè recalls wartime memories in Milan, when he was a member of the Balilla youth organisation. He remembers the outbreak of war and its announcement on the radio. Tito describes the first bombing of Milan in 1940, stressing how easy it was…

Tino Luparia (b. 1930) chronicles the first daylight bombing of Turin which was aimed at the SPA industries, which was then a defence contractor. He describes the effects of a massive, unexploded bomb which pierced all floors of a building and…

The group remembers wartime hardships endured near Pavia and Piacenza. They recalled several stories, such as a farmhouse being thoroughly searched for partisans; children questioned; people injured by shell splinters; a makeshift dugout used as…

Teresa Messali gives a brief account of pre-war life with her large family in a farmhouse near Bergamo. She mentions Pippo; describes the pressing need to find shelter during the bombings and tells how she frequently resorted to ditches. Teresa…

Silvano Scarnicchia (b. 1925) recalls his first assignment as a soldier, when he was posted to an anti-aircraft battery, defending a bridge in Piacenza. He also recalls a lunch with high-ranking German officers and remembers the wartime dessert made…

Sara Ventriglia, the daughter of a Jewish mother and a Catholic father, recalls her early life in wartime Milan. She describes the alarm being sounded and she and her family getting quickly dressed to reach a nearby shelter. She recollects moments…

Santina Colombo describes her early life in a family of farmers and says that her father was a fervent socialist. She recalls the start of war being announced on the radio and gives a detailed account of civilian life in wartime Milan: scarce food;…

Sandro Boiocchi remembers wartime memories at Travacò, in the Pavia area and mentions various episodes: food shortages; the black market; fascist and German roundups; Pippo flying at night; bombing of bridges; giving shelter to evacuees.He tells how…

Rosetta Gobetti (b. 1930) describes the bombing of a marsh near Isola della Scala, describing it as, probably, target mis-identification. She recalls a more severe bombing which destroyed many houses and killed 28 people. She gives a short…

Rosanna Giungi (b. 1933) describes how Pippo disrupted daily life in wartime, especially affecting those close to the Modena-Brennero and Modena-Verona railway lines. She reminisces about the sight of Germany-bound trains packed with people…

Romualdo Siccardi (b. 1926) remembers the bombing of the Borgo San Paolo gas holder in Turin, November 1942, when he was 16. He mentions, briefly, makeshift shelters in basements deemed tantamount to death traps and gives a detailed account of the…
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