Browse Items (337 total)

  • Spatial Coverage is exactly "Germany--Frankfurt am Main"

Pilots flying log book for H W Wickham, covering the period from 29 September 1940 to 16 November 1945. Detailing his flying training, operations flown and instructor duties. He was stationed at RAF Cambridge, RAF South Cerny, RAF Abingdon, RAF…

Observer’s and air gunner’s flying log book for P C Geary, air gunner, covering the period from 24 October 1940 to 17 June 1942. Detailing his flying training, operations flown and instructor duties. He was stationed at RAF Dumfries, RAF…

A record of the loss of a Halifax. It lists the crew and their fate - five became prisoners of war and returned safely to the UK but Cyril John
Pope (1578663) and Theodore Ian Mardon Edwards (R/97583) were killed. Their burial details are recorded.

A memoir of Bernard Scheidauer who was shot down over France but crashed on Jersey. He was a prisoner at Stalag Luft 3 and was involved in the tunnels used during The Great Escape.

A list of 129 Lancasters lost on 79 operations between September 1943 and April 1945. Target, date and aircraft tail numbers are listed in chronological order.

The story of John Martin's last operation, how he was shot down, escaped the aircraft and was captured. He was interrogated at Dulag Luft in Frankfurt then transferred to various Stalg Luft camps. His story covers in his life until he was repatriated…

He has been into Bury for a meal, cinema and beer. They went on a Cook's tour over Germany.

L J Edwards Air Gunner’s Flying Log Book covering the period from 03 July 1942 to 02 February 1943. Detailing his flying training and operations flown as air gunner/wireless operator. He was stationed at RAF Oakington (7 Squadron). Aircraft flown…

Lists 35 successful operational sorties between 7 November 1941 and 15 November 1942.

List of 33 operations between 7 December 1941 and 16 November 1942. For each operation states target, crew, and some detailed comments.

A newspaper article about the attack on Kassel. It is annotated 'No 16 22/10/43'.

Account of actions of acting Flight Lieutenant Thomas Blyth during attack on Frankfurt resulting in award of Distinguished Flying Cross. Includes b/w full face photograph and some biographical details.

Peter Galan’s Flying Log Book from 2 May 1943 to 26/27 March 1944, detailing training and operations as a navigator. His pilots on operations were Flying Officer Blyth and Flight Sergeant Foster. Based at RAF Abingdon (No. 10 Operational Training…

Map from east of England to Germany with routes to numerous targets including Hamburg, Hanover, Magdeburg, Berlin, Leipzig, Duisburg, Essen, Kassel, Cologne, Aachen, Frankfurt, Mannheim, Stuttgart and Paris. A table at bottom right list bomb loads…

H. W. Bennett’s RAF Observer’s and Air Gunner’s Flying Log Book, from 23 April 1937 to 14 June 1943, detailing training, operations and instructional duties as an Air Observer, Air Gunner, Bomb Aimer and Navigator. Includes bombing and…

A F Dowding’s Flight Engineer’s Flying Log Book covering the period from 06 June 1943 to 16 February 1944 when he became ‘missing-death presumed’. Detailing his flying training and operations flown as a Flight Engineer. He was stationed at…

Written in RAF pilot's flying log book by Sergeant, pilot Rosser, Lewis Victor, RAFVR - diary of night bombing operations. Gives date, aircraft, crew, target and description of each operation. Also included are extracts from the Bomber Command war…
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